Scared to be Alone

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"How is he?" Juliet asked Nostradamus again. Seeing her beloved Bash lying in a bed, dying broke her heart every time she laid eyes on him.

"That's the third time you've asked." Nostradamus said back impatiently.

"I'm worried about him, that's all. I've already lost so many people I love."

"The wound is closing, but the disease in his blood is spreading. If the fever doesn't break by tonight..."

"He could die." Juliet finished for him. She felt her heart stop as her face grew pale and her eyes watered.

"You're scaring the poor girl, Nostradamus." Bash said weakly. "Where's your chivalry."

"Oh, Bash," Juliet let out a relieved sigh as she took her love's hand in hers. "How do you feel?"

"Close to death, apparently. Which feels, more or less, like it sounds." Juliet chuckled a bit at Bash. Even in the worst of times he could always find a way to make her laugh. Juliet loves so many things about him, but that part is  her favorite.

"You need rest, Sebastian." Nostradamus said sternly to the free spirit boy who laid, almost dead, in front of him.

"What I need is water. And perhaps, a little bit more of that lovely, worried frown."

Juliet smiled, not even realizing that she was making that face. "I think I can manage that." She sat in the seat that Nostradamus was sitting in moments ago. As the man brought the cup of water over for Bash, Juliet took it from him and helped Bash drink it slowly.

"So, do you want to go tell Mary the troubling news or do you want to stay and look Death in the face?"

"I nursed my mother and father into the grave. I'm not scared of death anymore. I'm scared of being alone."

"Is there a difference?"

"I'm terribly sorry," Nostradamus interrupted the sad couple, "but this isn't helping him rest."

"Every time I look at her, I feel better. Every time I look at you, I feel worse. The prescription is clear, don't you think?" Juliet smirked at her lover's bravery and honesty. Nostradamus nodded and left Bash in the presence of the girl he loves. "There's a book of Norse mythology over there, if you wouldn't mind reading it to me."

"Of course."

Before Juliet could begin reading, Bash spoke again. "And just so you know, you have nothing to fear. You will never be alone. At least, not while I'm still around." Juliet smiled again and placed a gentle kiss on Bash's head before returning her attention to the book.


"The engagement's been official less than an hour, and you're already packing?" Greer questioned her queen as the five ladies enter her room.

"I have no choice," Mary answered them bluntly, "I'm going to Portugal in two days, right after the Michaelmas banquet."

"You're leaving?" Aylee said sadly. "What about us? You don't want us to come with you?"

"Of course I do. More than anything. But you do have a choice. I can't ask you to come with me when none of you expected to live in Portugal. You all moved from Scotland to be here in France."

Lola tilted her head to the side and gave Mary a gentle look. "No, Mary, we left to be with you."

"So you'll come with me?"

"Of course we will." Aylee, Lola, Greer, and Kenna all agreed.

Everyone turned to the one person who stayed quiet. Juliet. "What about you Juliet?" Kenna asked the girl. Juliet looked conflicted. Either she could stay here with the man she loves or leave him with the girls she's grown up with.

"I don't know." Juliet answered honestly.

Mary sighed and sat down next to the girl. "I know you love Sebastian and he loves you. So, I release you from your duties as one of my ladies. You are now free to stay here with Bash."

"Thank you Mary." Juliet said with a sad smile and a few stray tears before hugging her friend. "Even though I am no longer one of your ladies, I will always be your sister."

"And you mine."

The four standing girls looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Aylee was the first to run to the pair and join in the hug, the Lola and Greer, and finally Kenna.

"We'll miss you, Julie." The girls cried. They all laughed and continued to hug their dear friend.

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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