Chapter 3-"Maybes"

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Just to let you guys know there will be more of Breanna's Pov's than there is Michael's so anyways ENJOY!

Breanna's POV

I scanned my eyes around the dull room and spotted a table near the door for me and Andy to sit at." Cmon munchikin lets go sit down." i smiled at the nickname i gave Andy and dragged her by her hand to the table. " Woah horsey!" she giggled has I neighed and laughed with her.

I was walking backwards still dragging her to the table and all the color from her face had been lost. "hey munchkin you ok you look like you've see a ghost?" i said sitting down. The seats felt a little comfortable so i moved my hips around a little when i heard a groan mixed in with a moan. The fuck? i looked to my side an saw afro sitting there with his cheeks having a tint of red in them.

i quickly shot up off of his lap. "oh shit afro im sorry i didnt know you were there." i said biting my nails. "u-uh i-its o-okay." he stuttered probally playing the events that just occured over again in his mind . I looked down and looked up and saw andy standing there with her eye brows raised and her mouth making an 'o' shape. I shook my head and saw his chuckie doll coming over to the table with her im guessing is her posse.

God when is she gonna be put some clothes i mean i know its summer but come on. I have to say i really liked her shoes and earrings.(picture of outfit ont he side) But her shorts were all up on her ass. She smacked her gum as one of the guys with glasses and suspenders put her tray on the table. " Hi Mikeybear." her squeaky voice said. Damn is there a mouse in here?!

I scrunched up my nose at the sound and slowly backed away. "aw mikey did you get that just from me walking over here? i must be a real tease." she said pointing to his crotch and putting on a bright smile and flipping her blonde hair. i saw something sticking out of his front pants as He bit his lip and his dark brown eyes trailed to me. she took her french tip nails and turned his face to look at her. "why are you looking at the bitch mike! Did she do that! i saw that damn hooker on your lap i should have known that!" she screeched. The whole lunch room was silent. She groaned and stormed out the lunch room. "Tori! Wait!" he called out but she was already gone.

I ran to the lunch line and got my food with andy and was walking back to a diffrent table but was stop when all my food got knocked out of my hand. NO ONE DOES THAT TO FOOD! '"What the Hell!" i yelled bending down to pick up the food. "Because of you bitch my girlfriend wont speak two words to Me!" he boomed in my face and pushed me over. I got up off the floor and pushed him in his chest all i saw was red. " I SAID DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME AFRO. YOU THINK ITS MY FAULT YOU GOT A BONER YOU ASS!" Another shove to his chest. "DONT EVER FUCKING TOUCH MY STUFF OR I WILL PUNCH YOUR ASS INTO NEXT WEEK!" I finally yelled in his face. " aww look she's getting mad!" he smiled to his friends. I shook my head as tears started to fall from all the memories flooding in. Just from that one push he gave me.

I looked around me and saw everyone's eyes were on me. I looked down and shoved passed him and ran out into the cold air. My hair blew over my face with the srands of it mixing in with the tears. I ran on to a small dock and sat down on the edge crying my eyes out thinking about my mom passing and my dad beating me. WHy does he fucking do it? he wasnt the only one affected by my mom's passing but i didnt take my anger out on him! I heard footsteps behind me and wiped my tears vigurosly.

I turned around and saw a familiar set of brown eyes. i rolled my eyes and looked back at the water. "Wanna make fun of me somemore? Im all ears!" i said smiling a broken smile. He sighed heavily and started to walk towards me. I got up quickly and tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "just list-" he started but i interruppted him. "Please just get over with making fun of me so i can be alone again!" i said starting to raise my voice. "Hey.... im sorry i was just a little upset at the time i was being an ass cause my girlfriend thinks i like you cause i was staring at you when you and your friend walked inand she broke up with me becuase she thinks im cheating with other girls and i-" I sighed "Ok ok i get it but just please stop you ramble alot" I lightly laughed.

The corners of his lips twitched up in a smile. "Ok ill try but can we please be on good terms because my chest is hurting from you pushing me hurted my chest like hell" he said laughing and rubbing his chest. "aw is afro a softy" i smiled poking him in the chest. "psh no." he said rolling his eyes playfully. "well maaybe we can be friends afro. Maybe." i say. "Ill take that then Deal?" he said putting his hand out. "Deal" i said shaking it in reurn. Lets see how this goes hopefully good. hes actually nice when he isnt an ass

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