Chapter 6-"The Secret"

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(Before i start the story i just want to give an absolute thank you to you guys fro getting me to 87 reads! That is absolutley amazing and I really hope your enjoying my story! So Thank you so much for reading the previou chapters and i hope you like this one!)

Breanna's POV:

I picked up my green chain from the front desk and started to walk towards my color group that was on the otherside of the camp. The little information that Andy gave me still dragged along in my head. I feel like im reading too much in to it. Im just confused and would jump at the chance to get answers. I heard laughs come from the other room as i walked into the buildding that held all of the groups. It fell dead silent when i walked through the door and they all gave me sympathetic looks.

I shrugged it off but still looked from side to side while walking through all the whispering teenagers. I sat down with my group as the room errupted in laughing and talking again. I sighed and looked down at my lap fiddling with my fingers wishing Andy was in my group. I felt someone plop down next to me, but didnnt pay any mind to it.

I felt a tap at my shoulder and looked up seeing Michael's face practically 4 cm away from my face. "Woah! uh- sorry." i said with shakiness clearly in my voice. The thoughts of what Andy said came rushing back to me. Stay away from him hes dangerous."Hey its ok Bre. Are you ok?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder. I immediatley flinched and backed up more. Hurt and worriness spilled across his beautiful features.

"Did I do something wrong? Can you tell me if I did?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed

"Um no i was just wondering why you ya know winked at me i guess it kind of ccaught me off guard." I said telling the truth but lying a bit. That wasnt the only thing i was thinking about.

"Oh uh i dont know i just think your pretty i guess." he said biting his lip and rubbing the back of his neck.

I immediatley blushed pink and looked down also. "Thanks Michael your not so bad yourself either." Wait did i really just say that im supposed to stay away from him not giving him compliments.

"oh uh you know i mean uh-" he cut me off with a hug. i gasp a little as he wrapped his arm around me.

I had my hands on his chest not moving them from their orginal spot. " I want to show you something' he whispered in my ear grabbing my small hand in his big one. Before i could protest he was already walking me to a dock by a lake. He took both of my hands in his and just stared at the ground.

There was nothing to be heard but the sounds of the lake. He let out a deep sigh. "I know you probally heard some stuff about me from people right?" he siad still looking at the moist soil below us. "A little yeah." I said chewing on my lip. He wet his lips and finally looked up at me. " I know we just met and were just starting off being friends, but i want to tell you the truth on the stuff that's happened and why people are saying those things. Is that ok?" he asked getting a loser grip on my hands.

My heart started to beat faster. He's about to tell me the answers that ive been dying to know pretty much for 5 days. Its been eating me alive and im hapy that he feels comfortable to open up to me even though i havent told him much about me. i sighed and looked back at him and said. "Only if your comfortable with it than yes it is ok." I said

He still had his straight face which scared me a little from the story that he was about to give. " Im fine with it." he looked from side to side and then started to say. "Ok it started in 1970 when i was 12....."

(Ooohh what is Michael going to tell Bre? WIll it have to do with his Dad? Will it have to do with someone special passing away? Is Bre still going to be Michael's friend after he tells her the secret that he has been holding? Im not sure guess you will have to keep reading!!!!)

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