Chapter 7-"Its all out now"

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Michael 's Pov:

"It all started when I was 12 years old I went to shool like every other normal boy but apparently to all of the other students I was some freak. I usually stayed more to myself quiet and always playing with my rat ben." I stiffled a chuckle. "Anyways the guys at my school would call me ugly, stupid, gay (no offense!!) the list could go on but everyday I would jump into my bed and ball my eyes out. I just never understood why they were calling me those names.

My brothers also use to tease me . But the worst was my father he did horrible name calling and I would get a beatin every night. if you could see the look on my moms face when he whipped me sh-" I couldnt finish as my voice started to crack from the memories flooding back. my mom had looked so devestated and broken as tears slid down her carmel full cheeks. I shook my head and wiped the dampness near my eyes and continued.

" One night I cam home with a friend, his name was Davon and he was the only friend I ever had in the school." I looked up to see if I bored Bre to death but her now glossy hazel eyes were still in contact listening intensively. " Joseph, my dad if I can even call him a dad. Well he started yelling and calling both of us gays and ugly fucks and pushed both of us on the ground until my mom pulled joseph away.My friend was terrified and I never saw him again after that. I tried talking to him but he would stay as far away from me as possible.

Skip 1 year later im 13 and it was my birthday. Joseph said he had a special suprise for me which was unusual because he never gave me a gift. I remember him leading me into a bedroom where a girl was lying najed on the king sized bed. "She will turn you into a real man" I reme, ber him saying I was terrified on what was about to happen until Joseph patted my shoulder and walked out closin the door and locking it. I stood there awkwardly until she came over and pushed me on the bed.

I didnt know what was going on until she started to unbuckle my pants. Right then and there I knew I was goin to be raped. I kicked and yelled for help and for her to let me go but it was no use. She took my virginity that

night and my father actuall allowed it to happen." I heard a small gasp come from bre and her cheeks were stained with tears.

She embraced me into a hug which I was taken by suprise by. I wrapped my arms around her curvy small waist and buried my head into the crook of her neck. I felt her rub my back. "Im so sorry that happened to you Michael. no one deserves to go through that espicially not you." she croaked out hugging me tighter. I pulled back and cupped both of her cheeks with my hands and wiped her tears away with my thumb.

"Shh im fine now see. dont cry your to pretty to cry" I whispered against her ear. I saw her cheeks get go pink. She was so adorable but hot at the same time. "You want me to finish?" I ask her . she nods her head as she wipes of the remaining tears.

"Ok after that expirence it changed my life I couldnt look at women the same knowing they were capable of those things. My mom and Joseph argued more when I told her what happened. He came home later drunk stumbling through the house. I knew he was cheating he had hickies all around his neck when he came through that door.

My mom asked him numerous times about where he was all night but he just refused to talk about it. They were on the verge of divorce and I was so pissed at my dad that I started taking my anger out on other people which caused me to get suspensions but at the time I didnt care. I was being disrespectful to my mom which was very unlike me. I felt like I was becoming another Joesph and definitley did not want that.

Unfortunately I ended up in the wrong crowd the crowd were you drink and smoke. We got caught by the cops for smuggling drugs. My mom was ultimately pissed off at me and so was Joe but I honestly didnt care what he thought. I got into a lot more trouble when things started getting worse between my mom and Joseph . All of my siblings where moving out and getting married. I felt like I was completley alone in this. Except for my sister Dunk whos 3 but she was on bedrest because she was ill. She was all I had including my mother.

My mom tried to help me get on the right track but I just didnt pay any mind to it. Which led me here to this camp. It sucks I tell one friend about the rape when I was 13 and he turns it in to a diffrent story saying I fucked some random chick and more after that. Girls call me a manwhore and think im dangerous all the guys are scared of me except for some who are my friends. Just because I went to jail for 3 nights they turn it into I went for 4 years.

I dont want to have Middle school problems all over again." I sighed and looked at the ground. I felt a park of hands lift up my chin. I felt her wipe away at my eyes. I didnt even know I had been crying. I smiled a weak closed smile and finally said. "Thats my story for ya." I said shrugging.

She smiled a little at me and kissed my cheek "thank you for trusting me with that big of a secret. im really really sorry you had to go through that michael." she said holdin my big hand in her small one." I thought you aught to know about that before you start thinking diffrently of me." she looked in my eyes and smiled. "Never." she said below a whisper as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight.

I wrapped my arms around her rubbing her back. We just stayed that in comfortable complete silence sinking in everything. I heard footsteps coming and I looked over and saw a figure walk out of the bushes with a video camera "Tori?"

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