Chapter 26-"I'll Never Leave You"

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Hey guys I just wanted to say I hope you like the new cover for the book. Made it myself and it took a while but it was worth it oh and thank you for getting me to 3.7k reads!!💘✨


Breanna's Pov

A loud beeping sound was heard over and over in my ear. I squinted my eyes and a bright white light shun through my eyes. My thoughts instantly went to Michael and I sat up and screamed his name. The beeping started to go faster.Tears started to flow down my face when my thoughts ran back to what he looked like before I blacked out. Pale skin cracked lips and cold.

A nurse came running in and pushed me back down on the bed. "No no I need to see Michael where is he?!" I yelled. I didn't mean to. Oh now I feel bad. She shushed me and pushed water to my lips. I sipped some of it and my head started to feel a little better. "The doctor will be in here in a little while to talk to you." her hushed voice said. I nodded and slouched back into my bed.

Minutes later a man with white coat who looked around mid-forties came in with a sad smile. "Hey dear how you holdin' up?" he said patting my knee. I shrugged. Honestly I don't know my whole body aches my leg stings and burns with pain and my arm feels numb. Most of all my heart feels like it's breaking into two. He sighed and continued. "Ms. Fox it says that you have a broken leg and a sprained wrist. You have a few cuts and bruises but you will be fine as for your friend..." he trailed off.

My eyes widended and I thought about michael. "He-he's in a coma and we don't know when he's gonna wake up. He was under the water for a long time and a lot of chlorine has filled his system. Also it seems that his head was hit a couple of times which caused even more damge." The doctor said sadly as I started to sob. I held my hands up to my face and just cried into them. He could possibly not wake up for weeks or months oh god please let it don't be years.

"Can I see him please?" I choked out. "Ms he isn't wo-" I cut him off. "Please." I pleaded. He sighed and nodded. "I'll tell the nurse to bring you a wheel chair." he got up and exited the room. My choked out sobs filled the room and my cheeks were completely soaked with tears. Why? Why him of all people. The nurse entered the room and instantly came over and wrapped me in a hug. I just sobbed into her shoulder. "Come on sweetie don't cry let's go see Michael." she said rubbing my arm and helping me into the wheelchair.

Once I exited the room the smell was most definitely not the best smell. It smelled clean but I don't know how to explain it. That was the least bit of my worries right now though. "Ms. fox where here." The nurse softly said. "Thank you." I smiled weakly and made my way into the room and gasped at the sight of him.

My eyes widened as I got closer and my eyes started to fill up with tears once again. His skin was completely pale and he had IV needles in both of his arms and a white cast around his leg and a white bandage wrapped around his forehead. I gulped and moved closer to him and grabbed his hand. "Michael.. I'm not sure if you can hear me but if you can I just want to say that I love you. Even when we argued I still loved you. Please don't go. This May sound cheesy but you are my life. I haven't felt love like this since my mom died and I finally found someone who made me feel special an-and it was you. You made me feel beautiful when I felt I wasn't. you make my corny jokes seem like the funniest in the word. You make me laugh and smile and just light up my whole day. I'm sorry if I was too late to save you." By then tears freely rolled down my cheeks.

"Please wake up." I whispered as I layed my head on this stomache and black blotches filled my vision.


Michael's Pov

I couldn't move at all. I heard everything she said and my heart twisted and turned because I couldn't hold her or tell her I'm ok or squeeze her hand. Ok Michael try again. I tried really hard to open my eyes and I saw a little bit of light until my eyes shut closed again. Ugh! Come on Michael you got this. I tried opening my eyes again and was blinded by a bright light.

I felt pressure on my stomache and saw long brown hair spread out against me. I smiled and new it was Bre. I ran my fingers through her hair and she started to stir. She lifted her head and saw I was awake and her eyes widended. "Michael?" her voice sounded like she had been crying a lot and her bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks confirmed it. "It's me baby." I said in a scratchy voice.

She wheeled her wheel chair to the water tube and got some water and gave it to me. I sipped some of it and just looked at her the whole time. Her pink lips were slightly parted and her eyes held relief. I leaned down and avoided the pain by kissing her passionately on the lips. She reacted instantly and massage her lips against mine.

This was the first kiss I had from her since The incident. "I love you so much." she said in between kisses. i giggled and kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. "I love you more and I heard what you said and I want you to know something babygirl." I said taking her hands in mine. "What?" I laid a kiss to her knuckled and said softly. "Just know that I will never leave you." I said before crashing my lips to hers once again.

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