Chapter 11-"Apologies/Making Up"

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Bre's Pov:

Michael's face had turned completley red as he sent daggers to Abe. He walked up to me and quickly snaked his hand around my waist pulling me close. I felt his fingers dig into my waist. I winced a little in pain.

"Uh abe this is my boyfriend Michael. And Michael this is abe he's a friend." I emphasized a friend. He still had that same scowl he had on his face when he pushed me down the first time I met him.

Abe smiled a closed smile. Michael rolled his eyes and whispered harshly in my ear. "We wilk talk about this later lets go." I smiled lightly at abe because he looked terrifed for me. Its not like Michael would hit me or cause me pain. But to abe thats what it looked like.

"Well bre ill see you late-" "Its Breanna" michael scoffed out. Abe bit on his lip and nodded. "Well ill see you around Breanna." abe said walking away.

I slapped Michael's arm and glared at him. "What the hell was that he is just a friend!" I said in a low whisper for both of us to hear. "I dont give a fuck bre he shouldnt have been touching you! your my girlfriend not his! And you dont know some stuff about him! he's dangerous."

Im so tired of people telling me who is and who's isnt dangerous. Im not quick to judge a person just by someone else thats why I gave Michael a chance because I knew he was a diffrent character behind closed doors. "Michael really your telling me he's dangerous for all we know those could be rumors just like what happened to you!" I said my tone raising slightly.

"First of all why are you comparing me to him and why are you taking up for him? you like him or something?" he said raising his voice also. I cant believe how childish he is being. "Im not im just saying that the same thing happened to you and I didnt believe it because I dont judge people just by what other people say until I see it for myself! And I saw in you that you werent like what they made you out to be."

"And if I liked him than I wouldnt be dating you! Dont you understand that! im your girlfriend if were gonna have a relationship than your gonna have to trust me. Because I trust you michael!" I was out of breath from the minny speech I gave. "I still dont want you around him." michael said yelling in my face.

At this point I was beyond pissed. He obviously didnt listen to what I said. I shook my head "Im done. I tried but you wont fucking listen to me! You could at least give me that damn much!" By now everyone was looking at the outburst me and Michael had. I walked away from him leaving him standing in the middle of the grass.

I dont know how he is still mad after what I told him. I like him not abe he is JUST A FRIEND and it will stay like that. He just doesnt get that but I hope he will and I hope he will fast. I walked into my room slamming the door behind me. I rubbed my face sitting on the tiny loveseat that was in the corner of the room.

I heard tiny pitter patters outside and knew a storm would be coming. ugh I hated storms and it looked like it was going to be a lot of lighting and thunder. I decided to just take a bath and put on pajamas. I put on some black underwear and a light purple long shirt that went to my thighs and it had long sleeves,

I turned on the tv but didnt pay attention as michaels face popped up in my head. My heart started to ache. Maybe I was to hard on him. I feel like if I saw a girl hug michael I would be a little jealous just like he was. I picked at the cotton on the couch as I jumped from the large boom of thunder.

I heard a huge knock at my door I grabbed one of my robes and walked to the door opening it a little peaking around the side. I saw michael standing there with bloody knuckles. "Oh my god michael what are you doing out here." I said fully opening the door and pulling him in. Even if im mad at him I still care about him. "I-I-" he studdered and shaked from the cold and rain.

"Come on sit down." I helped him on to the bed sitting down. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around him. I grabbed his hand lightly careful not to hurt it anymore than it already is. "It looks busted. hold on." I got up and got a first aid kit out of the shelf in the closet. I sat down next to him and pulled his hand out pouring medicine on a cotton ball. "this is gonna sting a little.

I pressed the cotton ball to his wound I saw him winch a little "sorry." I whispered continuing to clean up his wound. I wrapped it in a bandage and put the first aid kit stuff away. I stood by the closet door. "Come here." he whispered. I uncrossed my arms and made my way over to him. he opened the blanket for me to come into.

I sat down looking at my fingers I felt his cool fingers under my chin forcing to look at him. I saw his warm brown eyes staring directly into mine. "Im sorry Bre. I was just jealous but I still think he's dangerous" he said laying his hand on my thigh. I sighed. "I accept your apology and I want to say sorry I shouldnt have compared you to him and im sorry for making it seem like I liked him more than a friend becuase I dont."

He slightly smiled. "You better not." he said jokingly but meaning it. "Shut up boy." I giggled pushing him a little. " I like you only michael and no one is gonna change that." I said. "I trust you." he breathed against my face. He grabbed my thigh and pulled me over his lap so I was straddling him.

"You still didnt tell me what happened to your knuckles." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "oh I kind of punched my wall when you walked away from me becuase I knew you were mad." he said looking down. I grabbed his knuckle gently and placed a kiss there."im sorry." I said kissing his cheek.

"Dont worry babygirl im fine now." he said placing his hands on my hips. I nodded. "but you know what would really make me feel better?" he said kissing my neck. "Mm whats that?" I asked tilting my head so he can have better access. "If we (kiss) can (kiss) continue (kiss) what we started in the bathroom." he said biting his lips.

I swiped my toungue across my lips wetting them before I spoke. "sounds like a plan baby." I said taking his full lips to mine.

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