Chapter 13-"Trust"

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Breanna's Pov

A piercing scream was heard throughout the room. I groaned and rubbed my eyes opening them. I saw a girl with dark brown hair and immediately knew who it was.

I grabbed my robe and tied it. "Andy! I can explain me and Michael are sort of dating." I said my waist a little sore from last nights events. Her eyes widened as she looked over at Michael who was starting to wake up.

"I told you to stay away from him! He's dangerous!" she said raising her voice. "Andy your not my mom! and he's not dangerous you dont know the truth about him!" I said trying to keep my temper down. "I do know the truth and your just gonna be a one night stand to him just like I was!" she screeched with tears running down her face.

Wait.Huh? "What?" I said looking over at a fully clothed Michael who had his head hanging down. "Yea! you didnt tell her! how you used me and video taped us doing it and showed it to your fucking friends!" she yelled at him. My eyes widened as my mind trailed off to last night.

What if he video taped us while having sex. It seemed like Michael could read my mind because he shot up off the bed and went over to me. "I know what your thinking and no I didnt do that to you!" he said grabbing my hand. I snatched it away and backed away from him.

"Then why the hell did you do that to Andy! Did if give you some sort of enjoyment to do that Michael?" I said shoving his chest. "Baby please let me expl-" I cut him off my pushing him. "Shut up! If I find out that you did this again and to me than were done because you promised!"

By now I had tears down my face. With that I turned around and went into the bathroom shutting the door and locking it. "Baby please open the door!" michael said pounding on the bathroom door. I just tooned him out as I let my head fall into my knees.

I could hear Andy and Michael arguing outside of the door. It was to early in the morning for this! I rubbed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked around my bathroom hoping and praying that he didnt do that to me. I could hear something being thrown outside.

I widened my eyes and rushed out the bathroom to see them both yelling and michael throwing a lamp. I havent seen him this way ive only see those actions from my father and I didnt want to see them from the guy I was dating, it frightened me.

I stood their in shock as the glass fell down the wall and on to the carpet. They were still both arguing as michael got closer to her. The yelling started getting louder when I tried to intervene. "Stop!" I said raising my voice.

They were still arguing. "Stop it!!" I yelled a little louder. still arguing. Ok thats it! "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!" I boombed.They both turned to look at me with shock written all over their faces. Yeah thats right! (lol srry had to add that) I sighed rubbing my temples.

"Please just stop. Stop the aruging just stop." I said sitting on the bed. I am exhausted and in pain from the waist down from last night and I dont have anymore energy to give. "Im sorry Bre but im still warning you about him." she said looking at Michael in disgust.

"Hello still in the room." michael said waving his hand infront of her face. "Yea unfortunately." Andy mumbled. "You know what...." Michael said as they started to argue infront of me. Ughh! My head was pounding and I had a complete migrane.

I just shook my head and crawled into bed pulling the covers over my head to drown out all the noise. After a while it was quiet. Thats all I wanted right now was quiet. I pulled the covers down to my nose and saw Michael sitting in a chair next to the bed.

"You know I wouldnt do that to you right?" he asked barely above a whisper. I shrugged my shoulders and sunk down more into my bed.

I honestly didnt know what to think. "Well you should know that." he said making eye contact with me.

"Is there anything else I dont know about?" I said playing with the strands of my hair. "Yea." he sighed and came over to sit next to me on the bed. "I love you Bre." he whispered in my ear. Well I wasnt expecting that. I froze up I didnt even know what to say.

I mean did I love him back? I cared about him, I feel empty when im not with him, and I wish he was with me every moment. Is that what love feels like? If it is then I loved him too. I felt a lump in my throat and whispered back. "I love you too Michael."

I felt him smile against my cheek. "Im so glad you said that. Im sorry for not telling you the truth baby." he said now in top of me. I ran my fingers through his hair and saw his eyes close as his body relaxed against mine.

"I forgive you.Just tell me so I wont have to find out from someone else and being close to knocking you out." I said joking on the last part. He laughed and nodded. "Deal!" he said grabbing my pinky with his. "Deal." I said smiling.

We continued to talk and joke around. These are the moments I cherish with Michael because sometimes I know that this will go away and he'll be back to rude Michael, but I still love him no matter what.

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