Chapter 23-"Second Chances"

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Breanna's Pov:

The sun shun through the curtains making me squint my eyes. Thick red covers were draped over my body as I rubbed my eyes with a fist. My head was pounding a little as I sat up and looked around at my surroundings and found my self in a bed with a body laying on the bed with me. My eyes widened and I crawled off the bed accidentally falling. "ow." I said as my body hit the floor hard.

The mysterious body moved and groaned before he spoke. "5 more minutes joseph." I instantly recognized the voice. It was Michael. I sighed in relief but still cautious. I quickly grabbed my clothes. How the hell did I end up in just my bra and underwear? I shrugged it off for now an put on my dress grabbing my heels. I walked to the side where Michael was sleeping at and looked at him battling with myself if I should wake him up or not.

He looked so peaceful and beautiful. His Carmel smooth skin shun a little as the sun danced upon his face. His pink full lips parted. Before I knew what I was doing my hand came up and rubbed his soft face lightly careful not to wake him up. That instantly failed when a smile tugged at his lips. He opened his eyes and just stared at me with a soft expression. I removed my hand and pushed my long strand of hair out of my face.

"Uh I was just leaving." I said about to walk away. I felt a grip at my wrist that pulled me back. I sighed and closed my eyes knowing what was about to come. "Have you made up your mind yet Bre?" he asked in a soft voice.

Honestly I haven't. I thought some hours of sleep would do me good and help my thoughts come together properly. Unfortunately it didn't. i turned back to face him. "No. I'm sorry I still need to figure some stuff out Michael." I pushed out. I got my wrist out of his hold and left it hanging by my side.

He closed his eyes and nodded. "Ok." is all he said. I licked my lips from the sudden lost of moisture. "How did I end up in just my underwear?" I asked still holding my heels in one hand. He smirked and that made me a little scared. I was a little drunk last night. "Don't worry we didn't do it. Although I wish we had especially with the way you looked in that dress." he said biting his lip.

I blushed deeply and looked at the ground. "You still didn't answer my question." I said putting my hand on my hip. "I figured you would feel uncomfortable if you slept in a dress so I just took it off you and covered you with the blanket." he said with his arm over his eyes.

I nodded. "thanks." I said quietly. "Your welcome beautiful." he said smiling a closed smile. I blushed again. "Well I'll see you later Michael." I exited out of the room and saw drunk bodies starting to awake holding their heads in pain. Toni probably left from the party. My thoughts were confirmed when I walked in and saw her laying across Andy's used to be bed.

I told her she could sleep over once we got back from the party. I guess she was the only one that made it here. I walked into the bathroom letting her sleep and stripped out of my clothes starting to take a shower. When i was done I stepped out and brushed my hair letting it naturally go in its curly stage.

I put on my underwear and put on gray sweatpants and a sports bra. I zipped up my pink colored sweater. Maybe some jogging could help. Before I could leave Toni had woken up and decided to tell me more about Abe and their altercation they had last night while I was sleep. I was beyond furious at what Abe had said about me and Michael and what he tried to do to ruin the relationship. I thanked Toni for telling me and I got my iPod and plugged in my headphones and started to jog around the camp.

I didn't even listen to the music that flowed through my ears as I continued to think more about what Michael said. I mean was it even true? Did he eventually have feelings for me in the end and realized it was a bad idea in the first place?

I heard that there was going to be a huge storm tonight but I didn't think much of it. There's storms a lot of nights at this camp I've pretty much gotten use to it. I started to walk after I noticed I ran a mile already. Maybe I should give Michael a second chance I mean no ones perfect.

Hopefully I'm not doing a stupid thing. I jogged to Michael's cabin and knocked on it waiting for him to answer. When the door opened I didn't expect for them to be there. "Abe what are you doing here?" I snapped. My eyebrows crossed in confusion.

He was panting heavily and I pushed passed him to see Michael on the floor bleeding through his nose and the side of his head. My eyes widened as I ran to him. "Michael! What happened to you!" I said with worry clear in my voice. He held his head and I ran into his bathroom to get a first aid kit. There's one in every bathroom.

I cleaned the side of his head a little and wrapped the bandages around it glaring at Abe knowing he had something to do with it considering the bloody knuckles and busted lip an black eye. I kissed Michael's forehead and let him sleep on the bed.

I got up and faced Abe. I just glared at him with my lips pressed in a thin line. "You know I may look small but when you hurt someone that means a lot to me then your in trouble. I took boxing lessons for 3 years so be prepared to get your ass kicked Abe." I said pushing him back. I'm so done with him. After what Toni told me before I was about to leave I knew I had to do this.

I pushed him back with every word I remember Toni saying. "You set the whole fucking thing up huh? You made sure Tori would tape us just to ruin our relationship just so you could get in my pants you bastard." I said slapping him across the face.

His eyes burned with anger. "yea that's right I know!" I said pushing him further. He shoved me on the ground. I just shook my head and got up and punched him square in the face causing him to fall back on the ground out cold.

I panted a little and held my hand that hurt a little. I should do worse to him for hurting Michael like that. I sighed and put my face in my hands. Michael was right. Abe is dangerous. I cursed under my breath and sat down next to Michael running my fingers through his now Afro free hair. "I forgive you." I whispered in his ear before pecking his swollen lips a little.

I felt his arms go around me and squeeze. "I love you so much and I'm so sorry I'm s-" I put my fingers to his lips. "Shh it's ok Michael I know everyone makes mistakes and I'm willing to give this a second chance." I whispered to him. he smile but winced at his slightly busted lip. his eyes then went to happy until worried. "Wait what happened to Abe." he said.

"No one hurts the people I care about and gets away with it. I might have punched him in the face for hurting you and other stuff I found out." I said looking down. I heard Michael's adorable laugh. "That's my girl." he chuckled before leaning his head down and giving me a kiss on the lips.

Ok guys thank you so much for getting me to 1.8k reads and 210 votes that's amzing. I just want to say I love you guys so much and thank you for reading, voting and commenting!😘 Much love


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