Chapter 5-"Should I be Scared?"

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Breanna's Pov

Hm afro seems like a really cool guy. ah what the heck ill give him a chance he seems pretty nice. We were walking, well I was practically dragging him to the cafeteria for breakfast. "So tell me about yourself Bre." he said with a smile continuing to walk.

"u-uh well my name is Breannna Fox im 17 and I was born in California." I said with a light smile shoving my hands in my pocket. "Oh I was born in Gary Indiana Its pretty cold there but once you live there long enough you get use to it." I nodded and we continued to talk.

He told me that he can sing and he has 8 other siblings. I was a little shocked by how many siblings he had because I had none. I was kind of starting to take a small like to him. We both liked the same things and same hobbies so we had much to talk about.

We made our way into the cafeteria and as soon as we walked in everyone was staring at us. Awkward... I saw Andy out of the corner of my eye and saw her wide eyed sitting with a group of people.

"Yes?!" michael said to the people who were staring. They all knew michael had a temper, but I didnt see it he seemed like a chill back guy. "I liked the run Michael it was Pretty fun even after I beat you." I laughed playfully punching his arm.

He chuckled and got really close so our chest where touching. My heart started to beat faster as his lips barely touched my ear whispering. "We will just have to see for the next round now dont we?" he snickered in my ear and turned around then walked away.

What the. I looked around and saw myself just standing in the middle of the lunch room. I looked down and hurried to where andy was sitting. "Uh what the hell was that?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "it was nothing he's just being an ass as usual." I said lying right through my teeth.

Andy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Im just warning you be careful around him he's done some stuff not only getting suspensions Bre." she said worry written all over her face. "Wait what did he do Andy?" I asked curious to know. "He-" "Breakfast is over go to your color groups . green. purple. red. and blue." , The announcer over the intercom said plainly. "Well I got to go to red bye Bre and remember be careful" she said in a stern voice.

She walked away to her group. What did Michael do that was so bad. Did he get arrested? Did she mean he's a criminal? All of these crazy thoughts pondered through my head as it started to pound. I held my head in my hands. I looked up and saw michael looking at me he winked in my direction and turned his attention back to his friends. Should I be scared.................. or naw (lol I had to add that srry!)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter of 28 days with you. Remember you can leave suggestions for the story in the comments below or if you want you can just comment on the chapters it self. Anyways thank you so much for making me to 30 reads. For me thats amazing so thank you so much and please keep reading Love you all!!!!

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