Chapter 27-"Come With Me"

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1 week later

Breanna's Pov

It was the last day of camp and we all got some of the camp cleaned up from the tornado. I packed my last suitcase and zipped it as I felt arms around my waist. I smiled knowing it was Michael and turned around to see I was right. He had a smile spread across his face but it didn't reach his eyes. I smiled lightly and hugged him. "You ok baby?" I asked in a soft voice. I felt him nod against my cheek and I rubbed his back. "I'm gonna miss you." I heard his shaky voice say. My eyes started to water a little.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I whispered out. He held my face in his hands and he used his thumbs to wipe away my tears. He kissed my lips passionately an I immediately responded. I always wondered ever since me and Michael started dating, What would happen after we leave camp? We pulled apart and he sadly grabbed my suitcase as we made our way outside. People started to make there way outside to see cars infringe of the camps.

I heard a beep and looked over to see a short woman with Carmel skin and short black silky hair. "We'll that's my mom." Michael said as I looked at the ground. "I don't want you going back to your dad." He said as we walked to his mom's car. I sighed out. "I don't have any choice." I felt him give my hand a slight squeeze. "Yea you do. You can live with me." I laughed lightly at the idea to look up at him and see he was serious. I shook my head. "No no I can't. I mean what if we break up again?" I felt him pull my body close to his. "That's not gonna happen again. Plus it's better then living with your dad."

That was true my dad didn't care about me so why would he care if I came back home or not? I bit my lip a little. "Ok I'll come with you." I said seeing his brown orbs shoot with excitement. "Great lets go!" He led us both to the car and the window rolled down. "Mom this is my girlfriend Breanna. Breanna this is my mom Katherine. Mom can she live with us she can't go back home so can she come with us?" Michael's voice was full of hope. She looked over at me and gave me a warm smile. "Michael I don't know I mean what about her parents?" Her soft voice said. That must be where Michael gets his comforting soft voice from.

"Mom please you just need to hear her story and you would understand. There's room Latoya, Jermaine, Jackie, and Marlon all moved out." His mom looked like she was thinking hard about it then her face softened. "Fine. But baby you don't have to call me Katherine Just MommaKatie." she smiled as we got into the car. i smiled back,"Thank you momma katie." This is my life from now on.


5 years later

Michael's Pov

"I love you!" I exclaimed into the mic before I ran off of the stage to see my beautiful wife holding our 3 month old babygirl. Her face brightened when she saw me. "You were great baby!" She said giving me a sweet peck on the lips. I pouted. "Aw that's all I get?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "For now yes. We'll talk about what you get later when our baby isn't in the room." She laughed at my pouty face.

"And how are you Miss." I said to my baby girl Jada. I got close to her face so our noses were touching until Jada burst out into a fit of giggles. I giggled a little and kissed her cheek. "My beautiful princess." I said tickling her sides. I heard Bre laugh with Jada. I loved that sound especially when it's mixed in with Jada's. "Come on you two goofballs let's get home." Bre said bouncing Jada a little.

I wrapped my an arm around her waist as I put on my raybans. I felt Jada playing with my short curly hair as we exited the stadium. Lights and flashes blinded us as the bodyguards pushed there way through the paparazzi and some of the fans."Hey don't push them." I said to the bodyguard. They nodded and we made our way into the limo. Breanna handed Jada to me so she could get her pacifier since she was crying.

"shhh baby Shh don't cry.Its ok." I said in a soothing voice as I rocked her back and forth and held her close to my chest. That seemed to calm her down because her soft snores ringed in my ears. "Guess she won't be needing this." Breanna said holding up the pacifier. I giggled and shook my head. "I guess not." She laughed lightly and put the pacifier back into the diaper bag. I took that time to admire Bre's features her hazel eyes shined as she zipped the bag back up.

Her pink plump lips poked out a little as she closed her eyes and I used my free hand to pull her closer. She smiled a light closed smile and laid her head on my chest. Her long chestnut brown hair lay across her face. Im definitely the most lucky man in the world. She's as beautiful as she was when we where at camp. She has sexy curves now. she still is slim even after she had Jada which surprised me. As soon as me and Bre got home from camp we started our lives together. She got in a few altercations with my dad but besides that everything is fine.

A couple years after that I proposed to her on the beach and singed her a song I wrote called, "I Can't Help It." She was smiling the whole way through the whole song and she supported me in my singing coming to a professional stage. After 1 year as an engaged couple we decided to get married. It was a great wedding some of Breanna's cousins were there and mine was there as well. They seemed to love Bre alot. 2 years of marriage and we had Jada on Feburary 21, 1980.

That was the most joyous day for me. She has my curly black hair and a mixed complexion of me and Bre. She has Bre's beautiful hazel eyes and her pretty smile. Jada has my laugh and she's quiet but when your around her a lot she gets very excited. I love both of my princesses. They mean the world to me, and I wouldn't give them up for anything.

Whew finally I updated. Thank you for getting me to 4.3k reads on this book and over 400 votes. I really appreciate and I thank everyone that reads, votes, and comments! And no the book isn't over. There might be a sequel.Just wanted to add that in there. Anyways I love you guys so much an I hope you keep reading!🚶👟


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