Chapter 21-"Giving Space"

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Breanna's Pov:

I haven't seen Michael in about 3 weeks. I caught him staring at me a couple of times with pleading brown eyes but I just turn my head away and ignore it. I guess it's just time to move on. On the inside I'm miserable but I know that I can't go running back.

I don't know what energy I had left that dragged me out of bed this morning taking an exhausting step after another. I stripped from my clothes and got in the shower running my fingers through my tangled hair. The chilly air brought goosebumps to my body as I got out of the shower.

I put on black tights with a long sleeve baidge sweater that had lace on the arms of it. I brushed my thick long brown hair out of my face and into a ponytail. I always had long hair especially when I was a kid I guess I got it from my mom.i only wear my hair in a ponytail because when I wore it down my dad said I looked ugly. I put on my white converse and walked out of my cabin.

My stomache started to growl as I wrapped my arms around my waist. I walked into the lunch room avoiding the anonymous stares everyone was giving me. I grabbed a tray as the lady put brown mush onto my tray. I smiled weakly and started to walk towards the milk until I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there." A girl with dark brown hair and a streak of blonde in it said to me.

"No it's my fault wasn't paying attention." I said politely. I grabbed a chocolate milk.

"We'll alright and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what Michael did to you. But In the end of it at times he's a good guy." she said patting my back.

I bit my lip trying not to think about it again. "uh yea what's your name?" I asked.

"It's Toni." she said smiling. I smiled a closed smile back "I'm Breanna but Bre for short." she stuck out her hand and I stuck out mine and we shook.

"nice to meet you bre. Want to sit with me and my friends?" she asked. I nodded and we started to walk towards a table that had a group of girls and guys.

"Hey guys can Bre sit here with us?" Toni asked. "Sure there's room." A girl with curly hair said. I mumbled out a thanks and sat down next to Toni. We all had a really good time just talking and getting to know each other. i got really closed to 4 girls and their names were Toni, Bea, Alex, and Donna. That was the only time when Michael wasn't on my mind.

We talked about a huge party that's happening tonight at the camp. I really didn't want to go but the girls persuaded me. I mean I need to move on right? I'm pretty sure he has already. The campus bus is taking us to the mall so we can buy anything we need for the party like clothes.

All of us 5 started to walk towards my cabin to talk more about the party when we saw Andy sitting on the bed. My whole happy mood was gone and I'm pretty sure Toni sensed it. "Oh nice to see you Breanna!" Andy said in a fake happy voice. I just glared at her. "yea I was just packing my stuff to Move into a different cabin I don't think us in the same room is going to work ou-" I cut her off "I agree." I said folding my arms.

She sighed and zipped up her suitcase. "oh and now I see why you went out with Michael. He's so good in bed I mean I should know since he showed me how good he was." she said smirking. I balled up my fist as my knuckles turned white. "I mean his lips are so soft espicially when they're running up and down my body like they did." she said. My breath quickened. "Oh shut up like Michael would even touch you." Toni said sticking up for me.

"That's not what was happening when his strong hands were roaming and and squeezing on me." she said looking directly at me. I couldn't stop the tears from coming out of my eyes. Nope no I refuse to believe that shit. I wiped my eyes before they could drop. "Get the hell out of my room." I said calmly and lowly. "Pleasure." she walked out of the room and bumped my shoulder on the way out.

I didn't even know I was crying until I felt Alex pull me into a hug. "Don't cry Bre he isn't worth the tears." she said rubbing my head and letting me cry into her shoulder. Here I am again crying over someone who didn't even give a shit.


After 3 hours of talking and watching tv we all had to head onto the bus. I sat down next to Toni as we all talked. Tori and her clique including Andy walked back to the bus flipping there hair after each step. Michael came onto the bus he walked right passed me but his fingers brushed against my arm sending it to tingle. He turned around and look at me and smirked before going back with Tori. I looked down at my fingers and waited until we arrived at the mall.

The girls got dresses and Toni picked out a dress for me but I'm not suppose to see it until the party. We got off the bus and walked into the cabin. We had to start to get ready immediately. I took another shower and I washed my hair with my new strawberry shampoo and contritioner and washed with Victoria Secret's Pure seduction body wash.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off. "Ok Toni can I see the dress?" I asked as I emerged from the bathroom. She was already dressed. (Bre's dress will be on the side.) She pulled the zipper down and if gasped at the dress.

It was beautiful. It was black and it was strapless. To me it was look great. "Yea were this is gonna how Michael what he missed out on." she said smirking. I smiled and bit my lip. I took the dress and slipped it on. It showed all my curves.

I put on my charm bracelet. I eyes the bracelet Michael gave me and decided to keep it on. "make up!" Toni said excitley. "no no no." I kept saying as she dragged me to the bathroom."hush and let me work my magic." she pulled out eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, and peach listick. I closed my eyes and Waited for her to finish. "Ok open!" she said with excitement in her voice.

I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. Wow I actually looked really beautiful. No I looked like my mom. I smiled at the thought and hugged Toni. "thank you!" I said smiling. "Your welcome and that's gonna be 20 bucks." she said jokingly sticking out her hand. I stuck my toungue out at her. "That's your 20 bucks" I said laughing. She laughed with me as she looked at the time. "Wait one more thing.

She took my hair out of its curly ponytail and my hair fell down my back and over my shoulders. "Damn you got really long hair it's all the way down to your waist." she said shocked. I giggled and nodded. "Yea I guess." I sprayed some of the Pure seduction perfume on me and put it down. "Whew that smells yummy! Anyways you ready?" she asked. I nodded. Let's hope this party goes good.

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