Chapter 9

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I knew that voice.  It was Alice’s cousin, Jake Pitts.  He is going to be furious when he sees her like this.  I wonder if he even knows about her scars?

“What do we do?”  Andy asked.  “We can’t let him see her like this, but we also can’t prevent him from seeing his cousin.”  He finished.

“I think we should let him in.  You go and open the door while I finish cleaning the blood off her face.”  I said.  Andy nodded before nervously getting up and walking towards the door.  I heard the door fling open and the voice of Jake Pitts scream “WHERE’S MY COUSIN?!”  I sighed but didn’t say anything.  Andy led Jake to where Alice and I were.  Jake froze when he saw the state Alice was in. 

“Alice!”  He cried, running over to her side.  “How is she?”  He immediately asked me.

“She’ll be ok, but I don’t think we should move her just yet.  At least not before she wakes up.”  I advised.  “We’ll take care of her, don’t worry.”  I said, putting a hand on his shoulder as he sat down on the bunk across from Alice’s.

“I’m going to kill Sam.”  Jake said in a deadly voice, as he stared at Alice.

“No Jake.  She didn’t know this was going to happen.  No one did.  It is not her fault that Alice got attacked, and you can’t blame her for it.”  I said, trying to reason with him.  He didn’t say anything, but I could tell he was fuming inside.

“There’s also something else you should know.”  Andy said.  Jake narrowed his eyes at him.

“What?”  Jake asked slowly.  I moved to the side slightly, before silently picking up Alice’s good wrist and showing Jake the many scars going from her wrist up to half way up her forearm.  He gasped when he saw them.

“It’s the same on both sides.”  I told him.  I could see the confusion swimming in his eyes as to wondering why Alice would do such a thing.

“Why?”  He asked, almost to himself.

“We were wondering that as well, but only she can answer that question.”  I said.


I had mixed emotions at the moment.  Worry as to if Alice was going to be ok or not, anger that this had happened in the first place, gratitude towards Danny and Ben for helping her, confusion as to why she would cut, and anger at myself for not noticing.  I had a slight idea as to why she might have done it, but I won’t know for sure until I ask her.  For some reason I feel somewhat responsible, I know what you’re thinking ‘Alice did it to herself, how are you responsible?’ that should be correct, but the reason I feel like I do is that we haven’t spoken in a while (before she came to me that is) and I feel like I wasn’t there for her.  I didn’t notice anyone come and sit down next to me until I heard Andy start speaking.

“Jake, there was nothing you could have done.”  He said.  I knew he was referring to both Alice being attacked and her scars.

“There was everything I could have done Andy.”  I replied.  “I should have noticed her scars, I should have noticed how badly she was being hurt, I should have never let her out of my sight and…and…” I couldn’t continue.  I just put my head in my hands, I didn’t cry but I wanted to.  Andy sighed and put a comforting arm around my shoulders.

“Jake, none of that was in your control.  Alice is just very good at hiding things.  It makes me wonder what else she might be hiding, but let’s not think about that now.  Let’s think about how she’s going to be ok, and how we are going to ask her about her scars, why she did it, and when was the last time she did.”  He said.  I nodded, not saying a word.  There was a silence, which was quickly broken by Andy’s phone ringing.

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