Assassination Time

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Your POV

"Stand , Bow , Attack!!" A boy said after I go in. Small balls hitting the wall can be heard as I hear the target calling the students for attendance.

"L/N-san you may now go in.." Karasuma-sensei says as he slides the door open, revealing myself to the class.

"L/N Y/N,"I say while writing my name onto the board, "Nice to meet you all!"

"Let's start the lesson for today, shall we?"Koro-sensei says as his face shows a yellow and green stripes, showing that he's confident or cocky.

Nagisa's POV:

In the March of a certain year, a mysterious tentacled creature of unknown origin destroys over 70% of the moon, announcing that he will destroy the world in the same manner in one year.

After several failed assassination attempts to kill him due to his Mach 20 speed, the government makes a deal with the creature to make him the teacher of Kunugigaoka Junior High School's Class 3-E, who are given specially designed weapons that can hurt the creature and offered a 10 billion yen reward to whoever can assassinate him before graduation.

As Koro-sensei is teaching the class, Nakamura stands up before trying to shoot Koro-sensei, as we expected it fails, "Nakamura-san, no assassination during class hours!"He scolds.

"Sorry Sensei"Nakamura apologise, bowing down.

"Now, Go stand in the back." Koro-sensei orders her to do so as punishment.

"Yes, sensei."She follows as she walks to the corner of the room in the back.

Time Skip: Break

I approach Y/N because I know her, she's Karma's bestfriend after all, "L/N-san, how'd you get here in E class?"

Y/N jolts from her seat as she fidgets a little, "U-Uh, e-eto..."She mutters, nervously. I was gonna ask her but Terasaka calls me.

"Nagisa! Come here!!"He says as he signals me to come over to his seat.

"H-Hai, I'll be right there."I response to him, I face Y/N once again before saying, "I'll see you later then!"I say as I approach Terasaka.

Time-skip again


"Everybody make Haiku's about anything, but the word tentacles must be in there somewhere!"Koro-sensei says,

In all honesty, I didn't pay attention to Koro-sensei since well, I have good grades already, I'm down here for something else. I continue staring at the distance until I notice Nagisa standing up.

"Nagisa-kun, Are you done already with the haiku?" Nagisa nods, he approaches him in a silent way, everyone notices the knife hidden in the paper.

Nagisa pulls out his Anti-Sensei knife and slash Korosensei's face but he dodges it. Nagisa then hugs Korosensei. Terasaka stands up from his seat with excite before pressing some type of remote.

An explosion, Anti-sensei bullets flying out which caused a ruckus onto the class, I hide under my desk to avoid harming myself. The explosion and smoke soon fades.

"Nagisa-kun!!"I shout worriedly at your Bestfriend. I tried to find him but when I grabbed his head, I felt a slimy substance in my hand which disgusts me then you heard people yelling,

"Yes! the ten billion yen is ours!!"Terasaka said,


"What it didn't work!?"He said" Yes! it didn't but nice try but..."Koro-sensei's face suddenly turns black,



"H-HE'S FURIOS!l" They exclaim, then Koro-sense flies off using his Mach 20 speed. he soon  comes back with all our name plates,

"Yes I could not kill you but I can kill your family or...kill everyone but you...." He said "You're one crazy Octopus! What the hell!!!"

"Now that you learned your lesson for not using your classmate as a bait. You may now go back to your sit Nagisa-kun and L/N-san."

Time-skip to dismissal

I fix my stuff before heading towards Nagisa's direction, "Nagisa-kun! Do you wanna go home with me?"I ask him, the female looking boy looks up from his desk and say,

"Sure! Y/N-chan" He stands up before fixing his stuff. We walk off the campus, chatting and laughing about random stuff.

"U-Uhm...So, about your question earlier...I-I was transferred to E Class because of m-my..t-te- bad grades! I kinda had a hard time when Karma got suspended. You know, no one tutors me."I say, making up an excuse.

Nagisa chuckles, "Is that it?"He laughs, "Why are you so embarrassed? you could've just told me earlier."He says.

I have rewritten chapter one! Wait for the other chapters! Ciao!

-Xx, Risa&Tass

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