Karma's time

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Your POV

As we go to the next floor we saw a Assassin Wait is that GRIP?! (HEhe getting curios huh) then I heard Karma's voice "Mister you sure say Hm a lot"He said "Is that-" I put my finger to my lips...Shit Karma notices it "Maybe I'll just call the boss" taking his old phone but Karma smashes it using the plant 

"Hey Are you scared~?...Calling your boss is pointless or your just scared getting beat up by an Junior High student" He smirk "Your a Pro assassin right" Grip nodded "I think you can crash skulls and don't worry I can do it too wanna fight?" and the two of them started fighting....Karma is using Karasuma-sensei's defensing skills and....He's good 

"Hm, if your not attacking what's the point of this fight" He attack "Ehh you know while I do my best distracting you they can just ran away well since you notice it it's my turn now" Cracking his finger (Sorry IDK the english of that you know) Karma kick him....Kick.....then kick him at Grip's abdomen which back him ..... then Karma went to attack him.....and What the?Karma fell for the poison gas "what no fair!".

"I did not tell that I only use my fist to fight" Oh I get it....there's a song that he told me that was his favorite the song was Trick By: Kradness (sorry this song is not on youtube and hard to find but it was an amazing song if you found one please send a link in the comments thank you) Maybe...just maybe he was tricking Grip to fall on his trap...Great way of thinking Karma~.........

And I was right it was a trick Karma got his Poison and sprays it to Grip's face "What a coincidence We were thinking the same~" Oh Grip snaps "Hm Hm Hm" Grabbing his Knifu (Fan of Kubz Scoutz) almost ending someone's Lifu but Karma grabs his arm and......"Ahahahaha" I laugh.....

Karma's POV

I heard Y/N laughing so hard while I break this b¡tch arm.....then we tape him..."I lost...But it was fu-"."Ehh what are you talking about~? the fun just started Y/N"I smirk "Okay!! Here you go some spices" we both put some Wasabi and Mustard in his Nostrils....But something still bothers me.....this bitch knows Y/N and Y/N told him to be quiet........

then we walk to the next floor.......

Your POV

"I found a way to enter the other side we need to enter this club and unlock the door on the on this path.." Ritsu explained "We'll go girls after all a girl can always wander off an club"Kataoka said "I'm not capable of you girls only" Karasuma said "Oh I got it Karma-kun" then I whispered something "Soka *looks at Nagisa" Nagisa sweats drop "Can I not come I don't like the smell of liquor" I said "Sure Y/N-chan"

"Karma-kun can I sleep at your Lap?" I ask because my head is killing me like sh!t "Yeah Sure!! Karasuma-sensei can we sit down for a while Y/N is feeling sleepy" He nodded in Agreement

"Y/N you're still burning" he worriedly said "Shh...." I put my fingers to his lips "Just go to sleep"

A/N: okay When I said that the song Trick by: Kradness Is so hard to find in the net..well if your concern on how I find it not me my brother is the expert at finding songs because he's so addicted to Utaites if you know them lol he just transfers this song to my Ipad....

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