Transfer student time

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"We have a new transfer student today welcome him"

A man in a dress like white kimono I think? which is covering his face showed up "the names is Shiro I'm Itona's gurdian" Then a boy appeared behind Karma destroying the wall "Hey Mister Can you teach Itona to use the door" then Itona came to Karma and patted his head "Don't worry your weaker than me I won't kill you.."

Your POV

Itona looks familiar to me realy familiar....."Y/N-chan you didn't greet me when I came did you forget me already...."Your eyes widen"Ito-kun is that you?"you hug him tightly "I though you didn't remember me..."

Karma's POV

What's Y/N doing with him errr I'm so jealous "Karma-kun Karma-kun hey snap out of it"

"Oh Nagisa I didn't see you there what is it?"He said "I was here the whole time you know ohhhh~ I get it your getting jealous~"Nagisa teased "No I'm not and shut up"I said "Hahaha okay okay"

Time skip

"What Korosensei is your brother?!"

" any problem with that!"

"Nyuahh I don't have any brother I'm an only child!!"

"Nii-san Were brothers by blood!"

Time skip!lol

"What Ito-kun is challenging Korosensei for a fight!!"

"Yeah wanna watch...."

"Yeah!!come on we'll be late!"

Itona attack Korosensei using his white tentacles "Itona where did you get those tentacles?"

You were afraid at that fight because of being concern at Itona's condition.....You wanted to pull those artificial tentacles of his.....You don't want him to be lonely....


When I was a kid I hated my tentacles because everyone was teasing me "Octo-Girl" but I started to like it when this day came.......

"Octo-Girl hahahaha Octo-Girl hahaha"Everyone was teasing me because one of my classmates saw one of my tentacles and that includes Itona "Hey can you stop bullying her!!" then everyone left "Are you okay?" he lent out a hand "Itona Horibe Nice to meet you" Itona is the first boy who appreciates your tentacle....

Flash back ended...

And you don't want Itona to be lonely because of that tentacles but you though that the time to take of there tentacles is not right started focusing on the fight again you saw Korosensei wins......and then you quickly congratulate him...

Tentacles  (Karma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now