End of term time

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"Nee~ Karma help me out at my History exam please~" I ask "No way!"He pouted "Why not?"

"I just don't want to and if you really want to make me~"He grins "Hmm how should I......Alright....Karma-kun come closer I'm going to whisper you something..."Then he puts his face closer to mine "So wha-" A french kiss it is......

Karma's POV

Y/N told me to come closer because she told me that she was going to whisper something......but instead a whisper A French Kiss......My face is red as my hair.....Her tounge licking mine.....then I pulled off and said "What was that for?!" I said with my face all red "Would you help me now~?"She said in a seductive tone "Okay fine but don't do that again!"

Your P0V

Yay! plan succes and I took advantage for kissing him ahahaha "Hey what are you giggling about!? answer this question in 10 seconds" He furiously said "in 10 seconds you're a devil"I said "Oh do you want it to be 5 seconds~"He smirks "Ahh no 10 is fine eheheheh"

Next day.....

Normal POV

You and the others decided to study at the library.....

"You coming Karma?"

"Nah...don't want to"

"Why not?"

"nah it's nothing plus I hate that buliding so see yah"

"Okay bye Karma"

At the library.....

"We can do it too" I heard Okuda-san's voice

"Okay how about we make it a bet" An ugly guy said

"Whoever beat us in the subject were good at gets a point and the winner will have the loser do anything they want even betting our liv-" I kicked him at his leg showing him my bloodlust

"You know you shouldn't be betting your lives easily~" and they ran off "Minna are you okay?" I ask "Yeah where fine thanks to you"Nakamura-san said "No it's okay I was just depending our class"

"Okay one perfect score one tentcle gotta work hard"

"Karma!!" I yell "What?!" he yelled back "Are you angry...?"I frightenly ask him "Ahh err Y/N Gomenasai...I was just focusing on something...."

Your POV

The next day......

"Good luck to me" I told myself

As the exam started my classmates are having is having a hard time answering the questions except for one certain Red-Head....Ughh I can't bealive that he is still relaxing at the time like this .....wait did he studied or just tutored me all the time Oh damn why is History so hard he taught me all night I don't even think that he studied.....Sorry Karma you might failed because of me.....

Time skip~

As I though he failed.....

"Okuda Manami 1st place in science....

Isogai Yuuma 1st place in Social studies

Rio Nakamura 1st place in English

........Y/N L/N 1st place in History"


"Yes good job now let's continue

​​​​​​ in Math......"

Time skip

I saw Korosensei teasing Karma and making him blush...Well~ since he was cute I decided to take a picture...

Then I saw him running from Korosensei "Sensei I think that's a bit to harsh~"I told the Octopus "Don't worry he will sure get revenge" Then I quicky nodded and run towards Karma


"What do you want?!"

"Sorry...I think I'm the reason why you failed your exam....." started crying

"No you're not the reason the reason is me I really wanted to help you so you could be proud of yourself so please don't cry......it hurts me to see you like this....."

"What do you mean?"

"I-I like you Y/N.....Would you be my Girlfriend?!"

"wha-what I-I like you too Karma-kun I've always do I would be happy to your Girlfriend"

Then we kiss but this time we both replied to it.....

"Well Well what a cute couple..."

"GET OUT HERE TAKO" we said in unison

Time Skip

"Too bad you only got 5 tentacles better luck next time"

"Make that 9 octopus!"

"Are you serious Home Ec is an mi-"

"Korosensei no fair Home Ec is one of the hardest subject~It should be included~"

"What 9 tentacles nyuahhh"

Tentacles  (Karma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now