Baseball Time

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"Nagisa! you were right he does come here before class." The boy who loves baseball told.

"You can do it Sugino!" Nagisa cheered while Sugino throws the ball full of BB's at Koro-sensei, "Boys that's not a good way to greet you know...But since I had a spare time I decided to take a Baseball glove and tried to get the ball but nice try on assassinating me though and plus points on creativeness Sugino-kun!" Koro-sensei grinned. Nagisa and Sugino just let out a sigh.

The two boys walked away, disappointed. Y/N sees them, "I'm pretty sure it didn't work with that look on your face but I'm still going to ask if it did because why not?" You told them.

"Yeah, the baseball plan didn't work." Nagisa sighed. "Of course it didn't work, we are dealing with Mach 20 speed here. That simple ball with that speed won't get him." You told them honestly, too honest.

"Well, that's saying much for a person who hasn't attempted to even kill him! And what do you know about baseball?!" Sugino asked her angrily.

"Chill, I'm just saying thay it was slow." You told him, trying not to be too honest, but obviously it failed.

"At least, I tried!!" Sugino yelled and push you which made you fall on the ground. A dark aura surrounded the area immediately as you stare unto him. You're day didn't start good since a certain red head pranked you around 3AM. You tilt your head as you twitch, staring scarily at Sugino.

"You..messed with the wrong person..." You said as two tentacles appeared from your neck. They gasped seeing the tentacles, "Y-You have tentacles!" Sugino and Nagisa yelped in shock. This snapped you back in reality and you bowed immediately, "Please don't tell anyone!" You told them before hurrying away to the forest.

??? POV

"When you're suspension's finished, you're assigned to kill this octopus whose named Koro-sensei. This is a top government secret, so you mustn't tell anyone."

"Yeah, alright. Does this even work?" I asked the principal, waving the flimsy knife.

"Yes, they do work." He answered me. I let out a deep chuckle.

"I could..finally kill a teacher."

(Edited! And, I didn't notice that this chapter is switched until now so, that's like...3 years ago! I hope ya'll don't get confused anymore HAHA!)

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