School trip time

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"Y/N-chan wanna join my group?" Nagisa ask, "Yeah sure, as long as that dimwit will join,"You replied, referring to the red haired who's right beside Nagisa.

"Yeah sure, just for the fellow dimwit of mine," Karma teased back. "I am not a dimwit but I do appreciate the effort to tease me back." You told him as you engulfed him into a hug.

Our group consisted of Myself, Karma, Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino and Kanzaki.

Time Skip:

"What are we waiting for? My legs are killing me." You groaned, "Karmaaa~ carry me~" You whined.

"No thanks, I'm too exhausted because you were too excited so you kept calling last night and I couldn't get any sleep." Karma replied to her.

(A/n: the original part is Karma's tired because he couldnt fall asleep in the couch bc reader took over his bed. But I thought of it and was like, "uhuh no. That aint happening. So sorry bout that LMAO)

"Ohhh~ Sorry, please forgive me Karma-sama~" You told him as you clasped your hand asking for forgiveness.

"It's whatever, the train is here, come on." Karma told her, "oi- Don't run!" He warned but you already slipped and fell on your bum, "Ow!" You groaned, "Sugino-kun, Nagisa-kun. Carry Y/N's bags." Karma said to them before proceeding to pull you up on your feet, "Come on.." He helps you walk towards your seats.

(A/n : original scenario is you crying like a baby and karma carrying you, so yeah, again i didnt like it so here it)

Time passes by at the train and everyone, at this point, were bored. Not until Kayano dramatically pulls out a deck of uno cards from her bag, "Hehe! How about we play the dark game of UNO!" She laughed like the stereotypical Disney villain.

We all had one thought and that is, 'Dark Game of UNO.. what..?'

(A/n: istg if any of ya'll knows the reference I'd like to be your bestfriend.)

"Ano ne...Kayano-san, what exactly is Dark Game of Uno..?" Nagisa asked,

small time skip~ (>///<) lol

You guys play Uno while you attack Korosensei using your invisible tentacle (A/N: forgot to tell you it changes color lol) which he dodge but you didn't notice that Karma notices you using your tentacle....

"I won!! now I'm gonna make you guys do something hmm First Nagisa and Kayano-chan"Karma said

"hmmm ahhh I got it the two of you hold hands for 10seconds"You saw Kaede's face flush while Nagisa hold her hand"Hmm Kanzaki-san and Sugino hmmm Look at each other for 10 seconds" And angin you saw Sugino flushed

"what about me Karma?"Karma looked at you

"Hmm I got it Kiss me on the cheeks~"

"Sure!!*you lean your lips into his cheeks is that okay?"You saw his face blushing

"You really did it"Karma said in shock"what do you mean you were tricking me!"

"I though you won't do it"Avoiding eye contacts the four of them smirks and laugh

"Well it's okay I don't even care" Your face tells your fine but inside you were so flustered

Time Skip: DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR? nyah just joking don't mind me lol

"Yay!! We're here now I can finally rest..." You fell asleep good thing Karma was there to catch you "She is truly a fast sleeper"Karma lied for your sake because he knows that your tired using your tentacles

Really small time skip sorry I do time skip a lot lol

"Y/N wake up we have to go"

"Sure.....*standing up still sleepy"


"ahh I wish this trip has nothing to do with assassination....."

"I think you just want some sugary cofee in Kyoto"

"Hahah you got me....They said that this alley way is a short cut to the shrine!"

then the seven of you took the short heard many footsteps....

"I bet you boys aren't here for sight seeing...."Karma said

"Just give us the ladies and no one would-"Karma kicked him "Why would I Y/N to you ugly filthy brats"But he didn't notice that someone kick him and fell into the ground hen you saw Karma your eyes widen and you wanted to kill them but you were attack and faint...

"What happen?"

"You finally woke up Y/N-chan"Kaede and Yukiko said in relief "I though you weren't going to wake up."

"Ofcourse I will wake up if I don't Karma's gonna kill them all..."

"Hey ladies shut up!!"

"What if I don't want to!"

"what did you say?!"he grabs your neck and started chocking you "Dumbo you mess with the wrong person"Your tentacles appear.....

"Hey dumb ass......wanna get killed...Right now?"

"Y/N don't do it!" then you snap out of yourself "Karma-kun....Put me down..."I said"Hey mister! put her down if you don't want to get killed today"Karma smirked he then put me down And.....SMACK SMACK SMACK Nagisa,Sugino And Karma smack them at the back using the....GUIDE BOOKS?

And of course after that you were tired. Karma called Korosensei to carry Y/N back to the hotel because he has may bruises so he couldn't carry you.....

Time skip....

At the boys...

"Ohh looks like fun here~"

"Nice timing Karma is there a gurl you like?"

"hmm yeah but won't tell yah~"

"tell us!"

"Make me tell you"


"what are you planning?"sweat dropping

"Yes what is it?"

"Do you know Karma's cr-" Karma covered his mouth

"it was nothing you can now go Y/N-chan"

"Oh okay see yah" waving good bye

"Karma no fair!!"

"okay fine I'll tell you"

"it's Y/N...."

"Really why??"

"Now that's a secret....."

"okay sure keep it a secret but don't tell anyone abou-KOROSENSEI IS TAKING NOTES GET HIM!!"

At the girls....

"Ne Ne~ Y/N-chan do you like someone in our class~"

"Yeah why?"

"Tell me tell me"


"ahh quit pretending we know that you like Karma!"

"Ehh umm err how did you know?"

"Well when we were playing UNO you kissed him in the cheeks and your totally worried about him even if we are the one who got kidnapped and he's the only one who stop you from killing everyone....."She whispered the last part "Okay okay I do like hi-IS THAT KOROSENSEI TAKING NOTES GET HIM!!"

at the hallway....

"KOROSENSEI!!!"The girls and boys screamed in unison trying to attack Korosensei

Tentacles  (Karma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now