Takaoka Time

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(A/N: Sorry I'm gonna skip the part when Yuuji and Nagisa hang outs okay sorry!)

(And this is the shortest!!)

"Y/N wake up we gotta go!" Karma shaking my body "Carry me Karma" Karma carried you "Okay but only till we reach next floor" he said "Okay thanks~"

Next floor.....

Karma puts me down gently and I quickly thank him "Arigatou Karma" Hugging him lightly

Normal POV

the students move on to the VIP floor, where Terasaka knocks out some bodyguards using some stun-guns, obtaining some pistols that are given to Chiba and Hayami. Needing to get through a theater stage to get to the next set of stairs, the students face off against their next opponent, Gastro.

With Gastro having a keen sense for determining an opponent's location, Koro-sensei gives instructions to the students using alternating titles in order to confuse Gastro, giving Chiba and Hayami the encouragement to rise above their failed assassination and get the drop on Gastro.

"Nee~ Gastro-san why don't we put sone wasabi in your gun~?" you teased "Hel-"

"Here you go some Wasabi eat it" I faked smile but inside irritated *Puts Wasabi in his mouth

"Y/N were going come on" Karma said "Coming....keep your mouth shut Gastro..."

The last floor.....

As Karasuma points his gun to the remote a certain someone talks "Shall we take this to the roof?" Ta-Takaoka

At the roof.....

"So do you wanna fight with us?!" I said "No there's a bet If this little Nagisa wons I will give the medicine and if I don't the exchange will be you Ms.L/N or should I say Hell Ten" A shock on everyones face arrive "Where the hell did you hear that?!" I angrily said "Well I though you were familiar then I remember your one of the top Assasssins in England~"Takaoka answered

"Why didn't you tell us L/N-san?!" Karasuma-sensei asked

"I quit my job I just want to be a normal school girl!" You yelled and 1.....2.....3.... Fainted but luckily Karma caught you "You burning even more Y/N! you should calm down" He worriedly said "Oooh~ Ms.Hell Ten drank one of the poison~" Karma was gonna join the fight with Nagisa but you quickly stopped him "No Karma you can't take him down please let Nagisa alone fight" He agreed and stays with you

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