Karma's time

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"one...two...three...four...five..."The students said as they slash their knives onto the air.

"Karasuma-sensei, whats the point of this training...?" Maehara asks the Physical Education teacher.

"You have to learn the basics , you know?" Karasuma-sensei responded. "What for?" The male asked once again. "For this, Isogai Maehara attack me with two blades don't worry it won't harm me" The teacher told them.

"You mean as a team?" Isogai asked him. "Yes and if those knives touch my body you are free to go home." Karasuma said.

"Uh...Okay then, here goes nothing." Maehara and Isogai said. Then the two attack Karasuma-sensei.

While slashing their knives, Karasuma swiftly dodges them and comments on their skill and movement.

"Too slow......Too stiff! See if you can't assassinate me then you can't assassinate his mach 20 speed! He even made the Osaka castle while we're combatting!"

Koror-sensei smirked as he let out his signature laugh, "Nyuruhuhuhu."

"Yo! Y/N-chan, Nagisa-kun." An familliar voice said, making the students look at his direction.

"Karma-kun your back?" Nagisa said.

"So, this is the infamous Korosensei" He said as he walks through us, "Ahh, you must be Karma Akabane. Your suspension ends this day right? but that's not a reason to be late your first day."

Karma smiled at him innocently, "Ahaaha sorry 'bout You can call by my first name,Teach" Karma said as he raised his hands for Korosensei to shake then,


Karma attacked him using his knife, in which Koro-sensei dodged, "You are really fast and this knife really works but to fell at an old trick like that, you must be a coward..."

"Your no longer a teacher, you are now a awful monster."


Everyone sweat drops, 'Is he punching the wall?'


"Oh sorry it won't happen again." Koro-sensei immediately said.

"Hey! Karma don't cry like a kid if you don't kill him." Terasaka said, trying to mock the red head.

"Now, now...Terasaka, it's ok if I cry because you will be crying while peeing in your pants when you can't kill him." Karma said, mocking him.

"WHAT'S THAT YOU SAID BASTARD?!" Terasaka slammed his hand onto the table.

"Just stating facts." Karma poked his tongue out.

"No talking during class I will consider that as cheating!!" Koro-sensei told them.

"Sure, I will just shut up and eat my gelato." Karma said as he brings out a pink gelato in a cone.

"No eati- that's my gelato I brought back from Italy!" Koro-sensei said,

'It's yours!'

"What you gonna do about it?" Karma licked the gelato, "Hit me?" He chuckled.

"No, I will not!" Koro-sensei crossed his arm as he approaches Karma. "I will just take what's lef- POP POP anti-me bb's."

"Haha you fell for it again!" Karma said as he smacks the gelato into Korosensei's uniform, "here's my test! probably got them all right." After Karma left, you finish the test and go to your teacher, "here's my test! can I go with him?" Korosensei just nodded.

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