Vision Time

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"(Yo-ur-Na-me)!! your late for school"Karma shouts at my house

"Ahh Karma-kun come in first"My mom says

"Kay' Mom can I go to Y/N's room I'll go wake her up"

"sure it's just up stairs"Karma goes to my room "Ahh the two lovebirds"

"Y/N come on wake up" shakes my body"Karma-kun it's too hot to go up"

"I'll lend you my smash bro~"My eyes widen hearing that game "Karma-kun what are you waiting for come on"I pulled him out of my house and head straight back to the campus

at the classroom....

"Where's the smash bro!?"

"Hahaha at my house hahaha trick you"


Karma kissed you on the forehead....

"wha-what the hell did yo-you do?"


Time Skip...

"Korosensei my legs are killing me...."

"Don't worry Sugino were almost there. WALA!!"

"Woah *you took of your robe and jump in the water"


"Korosensei why won't you join in?"Shaking his seat

"don't tell me you don't know how to swim?"

Time skip...


"What's so amazing about this Octo-Monster motorcycle" kicks the Motorcycle

"Nyuahhh!!"Korosensei cried "That's cruel!!"

"Awww shut up!!" he throws an spray can to the ground "*Sneez Sneez Terasaka what's in that? *cough cough "You said "None of your own business" He said "Terasaka that's not the right way to treat a lady"Karma said "Who cares! you know ever since you came here I want to Sma-"."Now Now Terasaka if you want a fight attack first before your big lousy mouth"."Tschh"

The next day......

Nagisa POV

"So why are we positioning here?"

"Once I push that Octopus you will splash him with water and attack him"

"Yah sure"

"Where the heck is Karma?!"

"He said the plan is stupid he won't participate"

then Korosensei stand in the middle of us and Terasaka pointed his gun to him but when he push the trigger it has no bullets it was a signal to blowing up the whole lake causing us to drown good thing Korosensei saved us but ....Y/N drowned......

Terasaka's POV

"This is not the plan they talk about."

"what do you mean?"

"It's not my fault this is not the plan.."

"So you go use!" Karma punch me in the face

"Karma!! Y/N drowned"

then Karma left.....

Karma's POV

"Y/N Y/N wake up" Kayano worriedly said "Someone has to do CPR?"

"I'll do it" I said then I kiss her and breath inside her amd keep pumping her chest

Your POV

I felt something hot touch my lips and breath inside me and someone keeps pumping my chest then I puke water when I opened my eyes I saw Karma looking really woried while the others splash Ito-kun's tentacles

"Karma-kun...."then he hugged me tighly "Are you okay Y/N?" I felt tears fell on my shoulder. He was crying..."Karma-kun I'm already fine calm down" then I saw him slightly blushing "Wait did you....Kiss me?"His face became redder so did mine "Ah eto err that was CPR"."well thank you for saving me"

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