Talent time

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 Karasuma's POV

"Don't look away, Predict your opponents movement,If you do that you'll cover up every route"

All the students here have great potential,Isogai Yuma and Hiroto Maehara they have great reflexes,Akabane Karma will be a good Combat Assassin and the girls good at gymnastics. Then after my thoughts I felt a snake and (Animal). Then I push Nagisa and Y/N was behind so she got push back too...

Nagisa's POV

When Y/N and I was going to attack Karasuma-sensei from behind I got pushed by him and I hit Y/N's tummy

Karasuma lent us a hand so we could stand up "Nagisa,Y/N sorry I got shocked".....

Your POV

"Oww...."I cried "Sorry Y/N-san...."Nagisa apologized "No it's okay it's not your fault..and don't tell Karma okay?" You put your finger into your mouth "Tell me what?" A shock filled in your body "Ah ah nothing nothing" I said hesitantly "Oh rea-"

"Hey Karasuma!"


"hey students I will be your new teacher in PE so Karasuma-san can focus on his work..."

Then he bring out a lot if sweets....Karma took a lot of sweets "Geez Karma your so into sweets"

"You just want some~"He teased "No I hate sweets"

The next day....

"Y/N wanna skip with me?"

"Nope you just want me as your pillow when you skip classes"

"Ehhh~ why not?"

"hmph You don't need to know"You crossed your arms

Time skip..

"What?! training till nine how can we study for our exams!?"

"Eyy is there a problem with that huh? you don't want dad to get mad at you!"

Takaoka-sensei slapped him and I quickly help him up

"Maehara are you okay?!"

Oh shit Yukiko is next!

"I would like Karasuma-sensei to be our teacher"

"Now now Karasuma is not part of our family let's guess who will get the next punishment?"

Then I let out one tentacle (invisible) and stopped his hands from slapping Yukiko

"What the something is grabbing my arm?"

"Takaoka-sensei you should stop!"Karasuma-sensei said

"Now Now Karasuma let's decide this using a fight shall we? pick one or two students to fight me"

tschh Karma is not here...."Nagisa , Y/N will you two do it?"

I took the knife and revealed my tentacles from everyone, I used my tentacles to hold the knife I told Nagisa to be the close range and I will be the long range (A/N: everyone was shock when they saw your tentacles even the teachers) Nagisa walks casually at Takaoka the he attck him then I begin my attack by pointing my tentacles to his neck while Nagisa puts his knife to the other side

At that time Karma and the principal appeared.......

"that's enough!!" The principal said "I don't need a fat , and murderous teacher at my school your fired!" putting papers to his mouth "Y/N what did I miss?"Karma said "I'll tell you later I'm too tired..."

"damn damn damn!!"

"Y/N mind telling us what's with the tentacles?"

"Karma can explain them I'm too tired"

then Karma explained it to them........

".......So that's why she ended up to Class-E"

A/N: too short arghh

Tentacles  (Karma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now