Nagisa's time

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Karma's POV

Y/N fainted When I try to help Nagisa defeat Takaoka but she stopped me...."Karma you can't take him down let Nagisa finish the fight.."She said I just nodded and took care of her while watching Nagisa get beat up.....And BOOM! what was that....The The antidote Takaoka destroyed it....Y/N...Y/N is in danger..."Kayano-chan carry Y/N for me.."I said "Wait Karma-kun what are you going to do?!" She ask but I ignored her I was gonna join Nagisa until Karasuma and Isogai stops me "Akabane stop!" Karasuma-sensei said "Y/N!!" Kayano screamed.....

Kaede's POV

"Y/N!!"I screamed I quickly ran to Karma and told him "Y/N is puking blood" I said while crying....He then quickly goes to Y/N....

Normal POV

Nagisa uses what he learned from Lovro to perform his secret technique; shocking Takaoka with a sudden clap before using the stun-gun Terasaka gave him to bring him to his knees, leaving him with the smile he fears so much before shocking him unconscious. "Don't end this with that smile please" Takaoka said "Arigatou Takaoka-sensei" Where Nagisa's last words after using the stun Gun on him.....

Nagisa's POV

After I finish Takaoka I went back to the gang and Saw Y/N unconscious and Karma...Crying

Karma's POV

"Y/N...Y/N..wake up..Y/N...." I said while crying "hm What happen to Ms.HellTen?" Grip asked "I'm going to take her to the hospital hm" Grip Said "I'm coming with you.."I seriously said He nodded

At the Hospital....

"Karma hows Y/N?" Nagisa ask "Still in Coma"I answered

"By the way Karasuma-sensei came to talk with you" He said

"Karma-kun The government of England is here to pay Y/N's bi-"

"No need I already paid for it...."I said Karasuma-sensei look shock to what I've said so as Nagisa "Where are the hospital bills show it to me!" Karasuma and Nagisa said in unison "Here you go...." Shows them the bill

"It's...It's....1.5 BILLION YEN! JUST HOW RICH ARE YOU KARMA" They both said in unison Hurting my ears "Geez that's only 1.5 billion yen there's nothing to be worried about plus you two are hurting my ears"I said

"Akabane-san the patient is waking up"

"Y/N your finnaly awake!" I hugged her "I'm back Karma-kun!"

Your POV

I saw Karma smiling at me but it seems fake is he faking his smile....."Karma can I go home now?" He nodded

Time Skip.....

"Karma why are we in your house?" I Sweatdrops "When I go to your house to get clothes for you.You don't live with anyone else So I told your LandOwner that you will not live there anymore~ plus don't you want to live with your Handsome Boyfriend" He said "Yeah Sure I will live with you!"

"Y/N where do you wanna-"

"Can you stop faking your smile...please be true to me Karma..." then Karma hugged me "Y/-N I though you were gonna die....Yo-you scared me..." he said Is he crying "Gomene Karma it won't happen again....I miss you" I cried..."Karma-kun I want to sleep with you in your bed!" I smiled then he nodded....then the two of us cuddle all night...

The next day....

"Y/N Bitchy-sensei send us chocolates want to eat it with me?" Karma Asked "No thanks and I'm going to sleep again so bye~" I answered

After a few minutes.....

Karma came back to bed....."Y/N is so hot~" He said "Okay stay right here I'll just go get a drink" I quickly Left and saw the box of chocolates it contains '80% alcohol' oh no Karma must be drunk now because of this chocolates

"Y/N~" He said then I scream and rans away "Nee~ Y/N why did you ran away?" then he trap me by putting his both arm on my side Then we kissed....until he puts his hands on my head and I quickly ran to the bedroom...and hid in the bed..."Playing Hide n Seek are we Y/N found yah" and he quickly traps me but this time there's no way out...

"Karma let go!"

"Y/N Is there something your worried about that you don't want me to do it to you?"

"Fine you win but only a little"

Karma kissed my neck ....and unbutton my Blouse...I moaned a lot because of that....Karma licks my tummy....."*moaning Kar-Karma-kun....I told you just a little bit...Sto-"he kissed me "Okay I'll stop"

(I'll leave you all in a cliffhanger. I have the book 2 on my Quotev account. buut I aint publishing it yeeet~)

(I copied this story from my Quotev account ( follow me!) It's mine!)

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