Okay, a genuine question

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how do people actually like this? I'm very happy that people do b-but.

Why?!! Omg!

Thank you for voting :3 I love and appreciate all comments! I'm sorry some I couldn't reply for years!

But like what I've said in the previous chapter! I'm currently re writing this with the best of my ability!

Thank you for being patient with me!

And again! I would like to know if any of you wants a book 2? If yes then pleasee! Comment so I could start planning out the story!

The song above is Karma's va! That's my little gift to all of you hehe!

Again! Thank you all for reading this cringe fest! Ily!!! 🥺🥰❤️

Who else here has tiktok? Leave ur @
Mine is @tass.014


(Edit: a person dmed me abt a person on quotev stealing my story! If it's named TaintedSorrow that is me! Please don't worry :) That was my original book before I published it on watty!)

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