Part 8

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*Madelyn POV*

Madelyn was about to fall over. The floor swayed underneath her. Percy and Annabeth Jackson? No. That's fiction. That couldn't be possible. Then that means…….She stared at her new friend. Golden knife. Blonde curly hair. Eyes the color of the sea. Her kindness and bravery. Of course she was the daughter of the greatest couple to ever live. In fiction of course.Wait. She'd read the books by Rick Riordan but could he'd been telling the truth? She questioned her entire existence. There had been a hole in the St.Louis Arch. It was described to be an explosion. That was the only story she could remember. Why couldn't she remember the other incidents Percy had caused? She saw the story in the newspaper but then her parents didn't let her see the paper anymore. Strange. She needed to figure out what was going on.

*K.C. POV*

We all met up by the food court. Addison was barely walking,Ethan was a little scorched from the fire and Rael was trying to get fire extinguisher foam out of her hair. I brought Madelyn with me because she was the only person left in the store besides us.

“Who's this?” Addison asked,looking at Madelyn with a stupid look on his face. Ugh. Boys.

“This is Madelyn.She was the one who fired the fire extinguisher and got rid of the monsters.” They all stared at her.Addison looked impressed. I gave him a look.“Do you think we should get out of here?” Madelyn suggested. We all agreed on that and Madelyn joined our party.This was going to be a long explanation to explain the the parents.


It was Addison’s idea. He said he could hot wire on of the cars that were parked in the parking lot. We broke the lock with my knife. There was no alarm,thank the gods. He got into the driver’s seat and fired up his lightning fingers. The electricity shocked the car. The engine roared.

“Hop in.” He said to us. We all agreed Addison was not going to drive. We decided Rael was the oldest and most mature. But even Rael looked scared. Demigods had very little opportunity to drive a car in their lifetime. Madelyn sat shotgun because I didn't want Addison to do anything sitting next to her,if you know what I mean.

So,I was squished in between the boys. Fantastic.Rael backed out of the parking lot. That was putting it simply. She backed out so much we hit a pole. Oops.I hope the people who own this car aren't too mad. Ok,good start. I was just frightened for my life,no big deal. I just hoped Rael would get all of us home in one piece.I glanced up at Ethan. He gave me a nervous smile. But he tried to look tough in front of me.

“It'll be fine.” We swerved a left. I fell into Ethan. I quickly sat up,blushing like crazy. He looked like a strawberry. Addison tried to hide a laugh. Note to self: slap him whenever he hits on Rael or Madelyn. We sat in silence with only the radio playing. Stand by You by Rachel Platten was on. It always reminded me of my parents,since they have literally walked through the heaven and hell a.k.a Tartarus.

But  then something rude interrupted the song. A news person came on saying, “The battle for president of the United States still is between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Donald declares to join ISIS and rally them to war if he doesn't win the presidentship . He has never acted like this but we will find out more. Now for the weather.” The song returned to the radio. I sat there thinking. First of all,who the heck (excuse me Tartarus) is Donald Trump and why does he want war? He must be a son of Ares,the war god.I rolled my eyes at the name. Ares was one of my least favorite gods.  Percy had bad experiences with him,so I don't like him. I just prayed everything would be okay.


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