○back to school○

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Jacks pov.

I woke up in Marks arms like usual, we've started to just sleep together anyway so yeah. I look up to see mark with his phone in the hand that wasn't around me. "G'mornin Jackie, " he said, placing his phone down. "You ready for school today?"
Well shit.
I guess I'm going to have to be.
I nod and shuffle from his grip as we get up. "It'll be okay, I'll protect you,"
"I-s jus gonna be the same tho,"
"I know baby but just know that I love you no matter what,"
I nod again and go to the bathroom to get dressed, i take off my shirt and look in the mirror at myself, gross , I'm actually gaining weight, i knew I shouldn'tve started to eat 'properly'.
I place my hoodie over my head and pull the worn grayish cotton over my disgusting body, i shivered at the thought of seeing the girls who usually tease me, I think their comments hurt the most, because I can handle beatings but when words come into play, I'm too vulnerable. It's inevitable. Wade and his group are probably going to beat me.

When I'm finished in walk back to the living room and mark is sat on his bed texting. He looks up and gets his bag and so do I.

When we are approaching the school he grabs my hand which makes me feel slightly safer. We walk to our class and get seated. I sit where I usually do but this time mark sat next to me. My eyes shot to my lap as the girls who tease me come in. They laugh at me as they pass and the paranoia of what they were laughing at shoots through me like electric. Mark dosent know about them. He only knows about Tyler and wade. Not Amy, Jessica, Becks and Heather.

I've learnt to joke about my insecurities, I've don't that for so long but now it has become a thing that isn't funny. It's that toxic question that burns my throat. It's what makes school so grey. Because these things that people joke about aren't funny.
Gay people.

All of this I know for a fact is not funny, it kills me to think that it is. Because I have suffered through all of them.

I gulp as i realise that I had been so lost in thought that form room had ended. I get up and go with mark to my next class, but mark says a goodbye and kisses my head and walks to his English class as i walk to mine. I feel as if the sound had been drained and all I can hear are footsteps and a heart beat. I turn my head to look behind me for a moment and there stood Jessica and her group.
"Where'd ya think your going fatass!"
I flinched at her loud tone but managed to continue to walk. That's when Amy, the strong one came forth and pushed me into somebody's locker. It was a sadly familiar feeling but I winced as the cold metal hit my face anyway. 

"Ha. Bet mark dosent even love you fatass,"
"Lol, I bet he'd be happier with jess," Becks chirps in. That's probably true though. He would be happier with anyone other than me. I'm just some depressed fatass. I'm a terrible boyfriend. I feel a tear slip and jess laughs. "Just you watch fatass, he'll be with me soon,"

They pushed me aside as the bell rings, their laughs never leaving my mind. I drag my pathetic excuse for a body to my English class and sat down.

I didn't pay much attention because I already knew this topic. Which made it a whole load of boring.

It's wierd because Tyler and wade haven't confronted me or mark today.

I wonder why.

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