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Jacks pov.

After English I went to another useless class then to lunch.
I don't eat lunch.
Mark starts to walk to me and as he does I smile and say hi. Mark sees through my forced smile and raises an eye brow. "Jack. You okay?"
"I-I'm fine,"
"No your not just tell me,"

"Do you love me,"

"What? After everything you ask that! Of course I fucking love you. To the moon and back," he hugs me and I feel silent tears creep down my cheeks. I know I'll loose him some day. And he'll go off with jess. At least he'll be happy with a 'normal' relationship.

Speak of the devil.

She's coming this way with a smirk on her face. But when she taps Marks shoulder it becomes a friendly smile.
"Hey Mark, I was wondering if you can help me with homework some time."

"Umm sure thing jess. Do you wanna come home with me and jack then?"

"Sure," she glances at me before walking away. God damn you Mark for being so helpful.

Oh god no. Please. She's gonna see my room. What it she gonna think. I suck in a breath and painfully endure the rest of the school day until the final bell rings.

I walk to mark and sadly we have to wait for jess. Once she's here we set off and her and mark start to talk.

"So. Do you and jack live together?"

"Yeah him and his mum moved in around a week ago,"

"Aww. Why's that,"

"Meh rather not say. So what home work so you need help with?"

"Oh just some science ,"

They keep on talking until we get home. As soon as the door opens I hear my mum from the  kitchen shout my name. I smile and walk towards her. Jess and mark go upstairs though.
My mum hugs me and I hug back,
"I made you a hot chocolate, your favourite,"

"Ooh thanks ma,"
I take a sip. I say thanks again and go up to my room with the mug. Jess and mark are in Marks room so that's cool I guess.

Marks pov.

Gee. This girl knows nothing.
"So it's hydrogen chloride?"
"No. Hydrochloric acid. Because 1. You pronounced it wrong and 2. its acidic."Its so simple. Then again, she's so simple.

Right then my mum saves me by walking through the door from shopping. I usually help her so I ask jess to wait about half an hour to fill in the questions. She complies. She is a polite girl but her brain matches her hair colour. So unbelievably blond. I walk down stairs and help my mum.

Jess' pov.

Great he's gone for half an hour. Time to find that fatass. I get up and looks for his room. When i think I've found it in barge into his room to see him just sat on his bed like a wierdo. "Hey fatass, whatcha got in this bag," i got to some small bag near the bed. He tries to get it off me but I push him to the ground. "What the fuck have you even got I'm here!?" I empty it out onto the floor and search through it. A tiny piece of silver catches my eye so I pick it up. Of course. It's a fucking razor.

Ha little emo boy is a cutter. What a freak. "Aww does little jacky cut himself. Your a fucking attention whore.," what a crybaby. He's just sitting with his head in his hands crying. I kick the little bitch a couple of times and throw the razor at him.
"Cmon. Haha Show me the cuts freak," I grab his hoodie sleeve and forcefully pull it off of him. He trys to cover up but he can't. His arms are laced with red and white lines. I kick him one more time with my heels and laugh whilst walking off. But mark just had to of heard the entire thing. Great.

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