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We reached our destination and the vehicle came to a halt. I could see Dae Hwi oppa standing outside a big house looking tired. 

I  opened the car door and rushed outside to engulf my brother in  a tight hug. 


"Omo, uri dongsaeng is finally here." he returned my gesture and hugged me warmly.

" Why did you get sick? You're supposed to be taking care of yourself!" I smacked him lightly and saw Samuel at the corner of my eye grinning at the sight of siblings reuniting.

"Okay , I get it now." He ruffled my hair and looked at Samuel.

"So, you met my friend Samuel, right?I'm so sorry I couldn't pick you up."

"Yeah, its okay oppa."he smiled at me and then engulfed me in another hug.

"I can't stay with you though, there are too many guys here ."

"It's okay, I'm staying with halmeoni this time."

We said our goodbyes and I left the place my brother was staying at. I just realized how close Samuel was to my brother that he trusted him to pick me up , I guess he's a nice guy after all.

"Grandma! I'm here ." I placed my luggage in front of a wooden gate and I saw it open .

My grandmother embraced me lovingly as we proceeded to get in her cozy house. Her home felt so nice compared to when I stayed with Mom and Dad, they're just giving each other the cold treatment that it's crushing me inside.

"Did you meet your brother?" halmeoni prepared such a feast for me that I thought I  could never fit them all in my stomach.

"Yes, Oh I'm so full." I pat my tummy in delight as I thanked grandma for the meal and washed the dishes in her stead.

"Halmeoni, Dae Hwi oppa was sick when I visited him that's why he couldn't pick me up at the airport." I got worried, Produce 101 is really important for oppa and I don't want him sick.

"Omo, jinjja? He did not even tell me anything! That poor boy , working so  hard." grandma treasures us very much and that is why I really like it when I'm with her.

"Yes, I'm worried for him because he's in a survival show." 

"Oh dear, considering that he does so well in front of the camera." halmeoni was trying his best to copy Dae Hwi's dance moves and it made me erupt into fits of laughter.

"You watch him on tv? I never had the time to watch him because of my part time job ." I was so amazed at my 67 year old grandma doing those epic moves.

"I watch him sweetie, why do you work yourself so much? You know that your family can still provide enough for you dear." halmeoni turned the tv on as she grabbed the remote to watch random shows

"I just want to work and spend with my own money halmeoni, I don't want to depend on them too much when they won't even talk to each other." I sighed in disbelief as I remembered how I left our house , I had to say goodbye to them separately even though their rooms were right next to each other.

"Well , I don't want you tiring yourself too much because you're still young. Why don't you get a boyfriend instead?" 

"Halmeoni, no way." my grandmother is so cheeky at times its like were the same age.

"Arasseo, let's just watch Dae Hwi perform instead. " 

We watched produce 101 until we finished the 4th episode and my grandmother was snoring already, I went to bed happily that night. Kim Samuel really caught my eye, he's so talented and attractive . 

Well, my brother is too but it's just different.

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