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"I have to go." 

It was already 9 in the evening, his statement ruined our moment but I guess that I probably took most of his time already. 

When they're allowed to visit their families, he's supposed to be with them instead of me or go to his agency.

"I'm so sorry. You're supposed to be at home right now but you're dealing with me instead." I lowered my head, he did so much for me already.

"Don't be. I seriously need to go now. Will you be okay on your own?"

 I nodded at him, he waved at me one more time before sprinting away.

"Thank you for everything today." 

His figure was  now gone, it was very quite right after he left. The stars in the sky started to appear, it was like the clouds that covered it before finally gave it a chance to shine.

I knew that Samuel oppa was going to be a successful idol, he deserved everything that he was passionate about.

His kiss made me forget all my troubles , it was like a cure to my misery. 

I made my way home that night in silence.


I carried the new set of books, they were a lot but I was determined to read them all when I made my way back home. 

School was going to start soon so I had to prepare myself.

As much as I disliked my parent's decision,my dream was to be a better businesswoman.

I wanted to have a bigger company than my grandfather so that there won't be any more unwanted events.It will be my 11th year soon and I had to prepare myself as early as possible.

"Child, ever since you came here you've been reading about business. I guess that's what you are passionate about." grandma sat down beside me when I sprawled all of the books in the living room.

"Yes halmeoni, is it bad that I am going to do business too like my parents?" I looked at my grandmother worriedly, her face softened and then she caressed my head.

"Of course not. It's what you want and I know that you will be a good woman. Do not ever doubt yourself okay? you can do anything if you work hard." I hugged her and buried my face in her chest.

I really love halmeoni's scent. I felt so at home whenever I'm with her.

"Halmeoni, saranghaeyo." 

A sudden sound of the door bell surprised us, I made my way to the door and was surprised to see Samuel oppa.

"Oppa?Why are you here?" I stared at him in confusion, he was supposed to be practicing right now.

He was panting and he his knees in exhaustion.

"We're getting married tomorrow." I gasped in utter shock.


"I don't have time to explain, Dana. I'm so sorry but I really need to go practice now. You can start preparing your self."

"But it's too sudden." 

"I know but I won't be able to visit in a while so it has to be tomorrow while I still have time. Your mother will be coming here too. " 

I couldn't process everything that he was saying.

"I'm really sorry Dana, it's just that I'm in a bind right now." I nodded my head slowly.

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