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"Oh! Lee Dana!" I entered my new room shyly.

A voice made me raise my head, I just came here to Korea and I was sure I don't know that many people yet.I took a step back realizing that it was Justin again.Everyone in the room had turned to look at me.

"Do you know her Justin?" a girl asked, Justin nodded happily and approached me.

"You should sit beside me." he dragged me to his chair and made me sit beside.

The homeroom teacher had made her way inside.

"Good Morning everyone, I'm Ms. Ha Eunji and I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the school year." all of us had stood up and greeted her politely.

"Now that I have introduced myself, I want you to introduce yourselves to the class now." 

"Hello, I'm Huang Minghao but I prefer to be called Justin." cheers erupted when he introduce himself, it is totally different when you are popular.

It was my turn to go in front.

"Hello, I'm Lee Dana. Please take care of me." I could hear whispers everywhere.

It's expected after all. Almost everyone knows each other and I'm probably the new kid.


I realized that I shouldn't have made a big deal out of the wedding. It's because It was like It never happened at all.There are times that I thought it was just a dream. Meeting Samuel oppa and being with him was like a fantasy too.

The way back home felt dull, I met a lot of people today but I was too shy to join a group of friends and I ate my lunch alone too. I didn't want Justin to ditch his group just to eat with me, nor do I want to join their table full of guys. I've been sighing the whole day, it will take some time for me to adjust but I know that I have to do well.

I was a few meters away from home when I received a call.I was too tired to look at the caller ID  so I answered it already.


"Dana my dongsaeng?" his voice made me jump in delight.

I missed my brother so much.His schedules are too tight nowadays that he barely even has time to sleep.

"OPPA! I miss you." my footsteps slowed down, he was laughing on the other line but I knew that he missed me too.

"I miss you too so turn around." his words made me giddy, I turned around as fast as I could and saw him with another figure.

I jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly.The both of them were fully covered and I knew who he was with.

Samuel oppa .

The guy whom I have been avoiding for awhile now after he got busy with his schedules is him.Seeing him standing so close to me made me want to hug him too but I knew that I shouldn't. I had to put a line to myself now that I knew I like him. Plus, he has more chances to meet better girls now so he won't need me anymore.I know that I shouldn't react like this because we should still be friends , but no matter what I do I just don't see him as a friend.

I experienced bottling my feelings for a guy too, I never told him how I felt until it was too late because he moved away from me.I acted as a friend to get close to him as much as I could but I still got hurt.I knew that he only saw me as a friend and never crossed the line.

But to me, what Samuel oppa and I have had the possibility to bloom.You might think I'm too young to think about all these thoughts, but it's part of growing up.I never dated a guy before, it was always one sided or I don't know.

When I broke the hug with my brother,I turned to look at Samuel oppa and gave him an awkward smile.I didn't expect to meet him like this.

"I'm going inside then."I can feel the uncertain atmosphere between Samuel oppa and I.

I made my way inside first, I placed my shoe by the entrance door and clutched my chest.Its beating rapidly, I'm seeing him after awhile again. I thought that what I was feeling would be gone once he was going to be away and not talk to him like how we used to.I thought that what I felt was temporary and will just be gone and replace by someone else.

But why is it that it didn't happen?

The door behind me suddenly opened and I saw my brother looking at me.

"You know, you should talk to him.I don't know what happened but you need to talk." I nodded my head at him and prepared myself to talk to him.

"He's outside." Dae Hwi oppa went inside the house carrying his strawberry juice and looked for halmeoni.

I smiled at how silly he skipped around the halls.

I wore my shoes again and went out of the door. Samuel oppa had been kicking pebbles on the ground, he noticed me walking towards him so he straightened himself and looked at me.I felt sorry avoiding him without any explanation, he probably though he did something bad.

"Look Dana, I don't why you're avoiding me. Did I do something?Please tell me." he was looking down, I could see that he'd been thinking a lot about this.

I was so selfish to consider just my feelings and not his.

Why didn't I continue to act like everything's fine? Is it because I never wanted to have my feelings left unsaid again so I'll just keep my distance? Maybe it is.

And I guess I just have to continue that because now I knew how impossible it is to be with someone like him.I knew that he deserves someone better.

I wanted to say that he did nothing wrong, that it was me who had something wrong with myself.But I don't want to bottle things up anymore. I don't want to experience it again so I have to say what I feel.

"You did." he looked at me worriedly and though hard about what he did wrong.

You're too precious, Kim Samuel.I don't think I deserve you but I just have to give it a sh9ot.

"What did I do? I'm so sorry if I ever hurt your feelings. I don't want us to be like this." he looked really uncomfortable.

It's now or never.

"You made me like you a lot." I was holding my breath.

It was like being stripped off of my own clothes, but I knew that a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"What?" he was stiff, I knew that it will never happen between us.

"You don't have to say anything. I'll leave now." I awkwardly stifled a laugh and turned around.

I couldn't face him anymore. I destroyed the possible friendship between us so there's no going back now.

"Wait." I never looked back at him and fastened my foot steps. 

I'm so sorry Kim Samuel.

You deserve better.

"Lee Dana!" he called to me.

I knew, that he was going to tell me that he can't accept my feelings. If I hear it now,my heart won't take it . I think I can accept it in the future.



So uhm any feedbacks? 

It's a cliffhanger by the way.

Something big is coming next chapter so give me your comments guys.

love you all


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