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The place was warm and cozy, I expected it to be run down but it wasn't. It looked like an old bar but there were comfy seats, there was also a small stage that can fit a small performance . 

It was perfect for people like my brother and Samuel to avoid the public eye and have time for themselves.

"It's so nice here," the walls looked very colorful, especially the one behind the small stage which became a very wide shelf filled with books.

"Dae Hwi also comes here , the other Produce 101 guys too."

"This is a very nice idea you know, at least you have a place to go to for yourselves." I trailed my hands on the books on the stage and grabbed a random one.

"You can come here if you like." I turned to look at him when he sat on one of the comfy chairs facing me.

It was like I was a performer and he was an audience, it felt strange. I grinned at him and nodded excitedly knowing that I now have a place to go when I have nothing to do. I went down the steps and saw a couple of plastic cups stacked at a corner placed on a table.

 I had the urge to stack them and went towards it, I could feel that Samuel was looking at me but I grabbed them anyway.

"You like to stack cups? " he asked me cheerfully , I think he likes to do them too.

"Yes, I stack them when I'm bored. I try to break my record as much as I can."  I carefully placed each of them on the table until the last one.

"Lets make it a challenge then, the one who does it the fastest can have one wish." he said in delight as he sat beside me.

"Deal." I grabbed my phone and prepared a timer. 

I am so winning.


"I can't believe I lost twice!" I pouted a bit , I knew that I was good in stacking the cups but he was faster than me.

"That's okay Dana, I'm sure you'll reach my level someday." he teased me and I playfully returned it with another huff.

"Aissh oppa! It's so unfair, why are your hands so fast?" I grabbed his hand and clutched it tightly, it took me a few seconds to realize what I did.

I let go of his hand and tuck a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

"Then lets play again." 

Surprisingly, he lost and I won because he accidentally knocked them over.

"Finally!" I jumped in delight.

"Okay, okay. Are you happy now?" I nodded happily and started to put the cups back.

"However, since I won twice you have to fulfill two wishes. " he giddily exclaimed .

"Arasseo, but I have one wish to fulfill too."



I really enjoyed that moment, and it felt like he was enjoying it too. 


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