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The cheers from everyone made my cheeks go red.It felt so right to be in his arms, his scent is so inviting and I am certain that I will never get tired of it.

I cupped my cheeks and pinched it, is this real?

My palpitating heart felt so loud when its beating so fast. His words were so heavenly to hear that I am still trembling.

"Jagiya." Samuel oppa neared his face to mine while saying those words.

I felt like I waa going to explode with all the feels rushing in.

A smile crept up to his face as he kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes at the gesture until I heard various reactions from the people around us.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing!" Sungwoo oppa faked a gasp and collapsed on Daniels arms dramatically.

"Jinyoung-ah, I want something like that too." Daewhi oppa pouted and hugged Jinyoung.

"Our Oh My God Boy is a man now!" Daniel oppa screamed as Sungwoo and him squealed and embraced each other intentionally right after.

"Guys, calm down." Somi exclaimed to the boys as they see us finally finsishing our moment.

"Congratulations to the new couple!" Everyone cheered.

Confettis had popped up everywhere, loud music began to play, people started to change into their swimwear and going into the pool.

It became a party.

"I can't believe they're all here." I mouthed heavily at the idea of everyone having fun and being free.

"Well I asked them for support for this event." Samuel oppa linked his hands with mine and squeezed them.

Everyone was playing in the pool except the both of us. Even my friend Jaemin who I just talked to earlier is joining them now!
I don't remember introducing her to the boys but they all click so well now.

"Let's have breakfast first?" He led me to a chair by the table filled with food.

My mouth was watering at the sight of various cuisines and desserts appearing before me.

"I can see the glint in your eyes." Samuel oppa stifled a laugh at my astounded expression as he placed some food on my plate.

I started to dig in with big spoonfuls one after another.

"Aigoo. My baby surely does eat a lot." Samuel oppa wiped some lasagna on the corner of my mouth.

I froze at his gesture,why are you giving me a heart attack Kim Samuel.

"What's wrong?" It seemed like he had noticed my blushing face and stared at me with those breath-taking features.

"I still can't believe this is happening." I properly wiped the food off my face and thought about what I said.

It feels like a dream.

"Lee Dana." I was busy slurping some noodles when he made me face him.

I probably look so ugly right now.

"You're my jagi so get used to it." His 'jagi' nearly made me choke on my food.

Luckily, there was a lot of water.

"Hey lovebirds!Come join us!" Jonghyun oppa walked towards us and invited us to their water fight.

"Should we go?" I nodded my head at him and cleaned the table as fast as I could.

The both of us changed into some swimming clothes and joined the others.

"Let's go." He offered his hand for me to hold and I gladly accepted it.

"Finally! They're here!" Sungwoo exclaimed in excitement as all of them attacked us with water.

I got drenched even before I entered the pool.How great, but its fun doing it with the others. I never had this much fun.

"Hi! I'm very happy for you two." Somi went near me when I went out of the pool and ate some watermelons.

Gosh,why did I even think of something bad about this girl being with Samuel when she is so gorgeous.

I envy her actually.She's even nice.

"Thank you." A smile crept up to my face at the thought of everything falling into place in the end.

Gosh, how lucky you are Lee Dana.



I thank everyone who greeted me on my birthday. I love you all.

Thank you for reading this story.


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