1 - Wonpil

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Let's have a silent moment staring at this angel

"Hey, give it back!"
"No way, this thing is ugly!"
"Cut it out hyung!"

You heard the boys running around. You were really into the book you're reading right now, not caring what they're doing. Your minds wandering on till suddenly there is a shadow hovering over you.
*WHAM* someone crashing into you.

You were too surprised to balance your body and eventually fall off the chair. Luckily, the carpet is pretty soft, and prevent your body to kiss the hard wood floor.

"Ah.. sorry y/n, are you okay?" Hearing jae's voice, You look up. You see a blurry figure standing in front of you. He reach your hand, helping you to stand up.

"Gezz, seriously hyung" a man showed up and snatched a pink sweater from jae hands.
Then he suddenly kick jae legs.
"That for hurting y/n"

"Ouch! I already said sorry you know"

Seeing them, you chukle, growing a smile on your face. You reach your book and your glasses, that was falling along with you earlier. But just when you're about to get your glasses, a hand already take the glasses, it wonpil's.

"It's a good thing the glasses didn't broke" He smiled at you as he gave you your glasses.

"Yeah, I don't know what should I do if it broke" you say wearing your glasses on.

"Hey, y/n you know-"

"Okay, guys! Let's start practice!" His voice cutted by Sung jin who just came in the practice room.

You could hear Wonpil sigh, and pouted. God, why he have to be this cute. He quickly peck your forehead then go to where the members are.

You sit in the corner of the room, watching them practicing their song. After a while, you read your book again.

A few hour passed, and you still in the exact same place and pose, not moving anywhere like a stone. You are still reading while listening their band practice. Or maybe you're not really listening as you feel wonpil quietly lean on your shoulder.

"It's ended already?" You ask him but didn't left your eyes off your book.

"Yup, it ended while ago. The members already went back to the dorm"

"Oh, really? I didn't notice" you said, your eyes didn't move.

"You really into it huh?"

"It's really interesting"

"You always say that every time you read a book" he chuckle

"Well, I love it"

"More than me?" He said pouting

"Aww.. come on Kim Wonpil, you already know the answer"

"Soo.. you love your book more?" He said, teasing you.

"Obviously-" you take your eyes off your book, pecking his cheek "-you"

He grin widely, satisfied with your answer.
"Okay, lets go then" He sat up and take his bag.

You take your tote bag, and follow him. Your eyes come back to where it were before.

"Y/N, you would bump into something if you read while walking. You can read it again when we got on my car" wonpil said consernly.

You were about to reply when his phone rang. You hear him answering the phone, but your eye still glued on your really interesting book.

"Y/N, Brian hyung said he left his notes. I'll go get it, wait here kay?"

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