1 - Jae

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Pretend you're Short in here, or don't need to pretend if u already short like me ㅠ^ㅠ

"Jae" you were laying down on sofa lazily, your hand switching tv channel.

"Hmm?" Jae answer you. He was focused on his phone ㅡprobably tweeting ._.

"Want to grab something to eat? Ramyeon?" You switch tv off and look at your chicken who was sitting on a chair near you ㅡlol you take over the sofa so he had no other choice to sit on the chair he actually can move you a little and sit there, but you probably kicked him. *smileofvictory*

"Sure, I'm hungry" he shove his phone in his pocket. Jae take your hand literally pull you to get up.

You take your jacket and tie up your hair. Making sure you look good enough so it won't hurt people eyes. Even though you already cute enough.

You open your apartment door, sun brightly shine at you. Almost a week you didn't feel the sun hit you because you were working on your deadline.

"On second thought, let's just order something" you shut the door.

"Huh? Why?" Jae look at you confused

"I'm going to burn into ashes if I go out now" you said huging yourself.

With that, he pull you out, With you saying no and try to go inside. But Jae end up lifted you up to his shoulder. After alot of struggling, he eventually put you down. And both of you head to convenience store near your house. You start looking around, picking your favorite Ramyeon.

"Why so many?" He look at you who was shoving some ramyeon to shopping bag while he only have one on his hand

"Who knows maybe I will get hungry again" you smile as he ruffle your hair.

You look around again, shoving some snacks and drinks. Then you see your favorite snack that rarely available. You really happy that you thanked god for making this fateful encounter to meet your lovely babies.

You smile happily and try to take bunch of it. But the thing is, you're too short and that snack is on top of the high selves. There's no way you can take it by yourself. You tugged Jae's shirt and pointed out that snack and ask him to help you take it.

"Here.." he took one and give it to you.

"More! I need bunch of it!"

"Okay, okay" he chuckle at your cute demanding tone.

As Jae take more snack you can hear two women talking
"Aww so cute, he help his little sister. How adorable"

After shoving a bunch of things, both of you pay in cashier and went back home.

When you arrive at your apartment, you hang your jacket and head to the kitchen. Starting to make ramyeon for you and jae

Jae who was laziling around in sofa suddenly approach you.

"Is it ready yet?" Jae said. leaning in, resting his hand on your head.

"Not yet" you push his hand an puffed your cheek, which get pinched by jae after it.

"Hey, jae, am I that short?" You said looking up at him.

"Well, you're a bit higher than my elbow, but still far from touching my shoulder. Soo.. yeah, you're short" Jae said. His left hand is below his chin, acting like he thinking about something while his eyes scan you up and down

Hearing that reply, you pout and puffed up your cheek. "I can show you that I'm not that short!" You tiptoed to make your self slightly taller then continue cooking.

"Don't be mad, y/n~" Jae give you a peck your head.
"Watch out okay?" He put his hand on your back to make you stable.

Once you done, both of you digging in. When you done, you clean the dishes with Jae helping you. After you handed the last bowl to jae, you felt a sharp pain.

"Ouch!" You cried, you put your hand on your neck.

"What's wrong?" Jae hurriedly come beside you.

"Ugh.. my neck hurts"

"Ehh~ you look at me too much are you y/n~" he tease which replied by a kick in his leg from you.

"If so then I should stay away from you" grumbling, you walk away.

"Uh nuh" Jae lift you up, and make his way to sofa.
He sits you on his lap with you facing him. His hands snakes to your waist. He smile at you.

"You know I love how small you are, right?" he lean in, giving you a warm kiss. As you both broke it off, you nuzzle your head to his chest. He patted your head.
Then you whisper something to him, a word that rarely used by both of you, a word that only used when we sincerely mean it.
Which make Jae smile arose and red shade on your face.

"I love you too, y/n"



You broke your hug and look at jae for a second, then speak up
"But you know, with our high difference like this, we would be mistaken as uh.. a middle schooler and an old man. So.. if you kiss me on streets, people will think you as pedo"
Jae pout which make you giggle.

"I don't care~ as long as we like each other. Besides..." Jae lift you up and laid you on sofa.
"You know too much to be middle schooler~" he sings in your ear, with a smirk plastered on his face.


Yeay! Another one! As a sorry cause I rarely update.

Anyway, only sungjin one im not post yet. I dont have any Idea .-. It may take long, sorry... ><


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