2.2 - Jae

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Finally! Part 2 after many decades. Its jae pov, and pretty long, so I cut half of it. I'll update the other part later. For now, enjoy this one, please bare with this slow update... ㅠㅠ


"Y/n is sick aren't she? You won't visit her?"

Jae flinch at sudden voice from behind, he whipped around quickly, seeing Matthew with questioned look on his face. A nervous laugh and a small 'yeah' come out come out from Jae's mouth as he rub the back of his neck.

"Thats okay. Anyway, where we meets others again?" I smiled. Trying my best to look relaxed as possible.

"You sure? You don't look yourself. You see, before, when your girlfriend sick, you would make such a fuss and rush there" Matthew said, recalling what jae did few years back.

"No. I'm not like that anymore" Jae reply with a stern voice. Knowing well what it is. His hand had left his neck, down to his side clenching into fist. His face harden with unreadable emotions seen on his orbs.

"Look, jae, I know you worried about 'that' thing. But it's already many years since. its gonna be okay"

Only meet by silence, Matthew let out a sigh.
"Sure, your possessiveness can be out of hand sometimes, and you're afraid y/n would get hurt, but keeping it like that and act cold would hurt her even more. She's a good girl, she is different, I'm sure sheㅡ"

His friend voice became distance bit by bit. His surrounding crumpled down into endless void. Leaving him there alone.
An uncomfortable feeling creeps on his gut once he realize where he is now.


Jae freeze. His body seems like it doesn't do its functions anymore. It all came at once in his head. That annoying memory he tries to forget. Memory from three years ago. Created by the girl he once loved.

No, he doesn't love her anymore. In fact, he hates her.

She said she love him.
She said she's okay with it. She said all those sweet things back then.
But in the end, it never been that way. She lied.

Jae already forget her. He erased all memory and existence about her. He already moving on, he find a new happiness. He really love y/n and he know y/n too, love him.

But still, that one word she said before remain. Drifting around his head, his thoughts. Making him caution of his act. Trying to not do the same mistake he did before.

Y/n is everything for him. He devoted himself to you. To protect you. Even as far as selling his soul to demon to keep you save.

It would be his worse nightmare.

Your soft facial expression turned into a scowl.
That warm eyes you always have turned into a cold stare.
That sweet voice of yours become full of venom.
Your love now loathe.





Jae jolted up from his bed with eyes bloodshot open. Cold sweats dripping down his forehead. His lung sought for air as his heart beating in fast pace. It's not a pleasant situation he is in. He had a nightmare.

His long fingers run trough his messy blond locks harshly. His chest goes up and down, trying to breathe normally. He let out a deep sigh as he wipes his face, rubbing off any visible sweats and stain of tears in his cheek.

Throwing the cover over his body, He get out of his bed. He lead his foot to the kitchen to get some water. He lean on the counter as he gulped the water out of the bottle, washing down his dry throat.

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