2.1 - Jae

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"Hey, seriously, y/n, what you like about him anyway" youngk ask you suddeny

You stopped eating, biting the point of your chopstick, thinking "Um.. now that you said it... maybe because um.." you tapped the table with your finger, try to find an answer in your head. Though, with alcohol running on your body you can't really think.

"Ugh, I give up! I don't know it myself" you said, continue taking a beef from the grill.

"Pssh.. I know you love me.." jae take his drink while smirking at you. A tint of blush appear slighy on your face.

"Really? Till now I still wonder why I accept you yknow.." you put more warps to your mouth.
You can hear Brian laughing at jae who flustered a little but then shrugged it.

"Heeyy... don't be shy.. I know you do.." he ruffle your head.

"Gezz.. here I want to tease you, but.. oh well, its good that you two in a good term. But still, I want to have a girlfriend too!!" Brian whine, gulping his soju.

Jae laughing seeing what his best friend had just done. While you just sighing deeply, consumed in your thought. You don't know that a certain person is actually watching you.

We chatted more longer about many thing and question each other like 'how can mr steal your fan can't get any girlfriend' lol. After a long talk and we all full, we decide to go back.

"I'm going first" YoungK said waving a hand.

"Yeah, be safe!" I said waving back at him.

You turn your head to the person next to you, who was watching you till now.

"Let me sent you home" Jae said warping his hand around your waist, you nod in agreement.

*Hachi!* you sneeze.

"You cold?" He ask. You nod again.
*sigh* "Thats why I told you to wear more clothes! Who wear short skirt in winter?"

"I wear stockings kay? And I thought it wouldn't be this cold"

"You know you're not that young anymore right?"

"Sut up!" You push his face with your hand

"You're drunk, Let's just hurry up  go back so you can warm up" he said looking a bit annoyed.

He let you go and went to the driver seat. You open the car then sit there quietly. He drive his car, silent fall on way back. Either because you two were tired or just don't have anything to talk about. After you reach your apartment, he drives his car again, leaving you waving at him. You let out another sigh then went to your room.

Again, you thinking the same thing. From the start, when you two still only a friend, you know he's the type of fun friend who easily getting along, and you, who the opposite, admire him for that.

From the start When he ask you out, you know he isn't the type who will do something cute nor romantic. The different between 'you still his friend' and 'you are his girlfriend' is only skinship that he hug you or kiss you couple times. And maybe sometime- no rarely, when you're lucky, he would say that he love you. The rest like how he talks to you or when you two joke around is still the same like always.

From the start you know all that, but now why you feel something off?

You miss him, you really is. But you too, yourself didn't know what you miss about. You frequently met, at least once a week. Both of you still chat and joke around, It's the same but why it feel like it doesn't?

Yeah you sick of it, you had enough of jae act like your friend. I mean, he is your boyfriend why didn't he act like one?

You dont really like sweet talk, but of course you want to hear that from your boyfriend sometime. But no, no sweet talk, only random nonsense or a really serious discussion.

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