Needing an escape

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*Kris' pov*

Aah! Why does she do this? I feel like I didn't do anything. But maybe that's the problem, I don't do anything.

I just stayed in the car and let her go. That was about 15 minutes ago. Where did she go?

*Rachel's pov*

"Wha! why did this have to happen?"

I thought.

It was a while after I left, and I stayed wandering the streets filled with the cold air crying.

"I need someone."

I said to myself in frustration.

I opened my phone, and looked at my contact list until I found Luhan's number. I pressed "CALL" and held the device to my ear.


It felt good to hear Luhan's voice. I tried to stop sniffling and my whaling, and tried to calm myself.

"Hello, oppa. I need someone to talk to, I need a friend. Can I see you tonight?"

"Sure. What's wrong? Why are you upset?"

Luhan asked with sympathy.

"I'll tell you later. First, can you pick me up? I'm stranded at 53'd street. Please?"

"Sure! What the heck is going on? I'll be there then take you to our dorm. Stay there. I'll be there in a bit. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you."

I then hung up and waited.


I've known Luhan for years, practically my whole life. I lived right next to him, we grew up as neighbors. Although he had girls left and right, he often felt like he had no one. It absolutely broke my heart to see him be like that. But I was two years younger than him, so I couldn't be by his side during school hours. He always said that even though his friends or piers saw him and thought of him as a friend, they never knew the real him. That they never cared. They thought of him as a perfect guy with no problems. That he had no real emotions. They only cared about looks he says. He felt so alone, and it crushed me. He would come to my window in the middle of the night because he couldn't sleep because of it and he had to come into my bed with me and I would have to help him fall asleep. I would cry because of my thoughts of how me must feel. I still can't imagine it. I would have to soothe him to sleep practically every night. His parents treated him to poorly and that got to him a lot. He'd come to my house scared to death of them. Then when he left to Korea, I was crushed. I felt so happy for him to get away from his problems with no one being close to him besides me, I was happy that one of his dreams were being achieved. But I didn't want him to leave. He was the only one I had. We loved each other, as brother and sister. We loved each other as we were the only family we had. Because we were. I was abused as a kid, and an outcast. But when we were together, that all left. We comforted each other.

Finally I got to visit him every now and then, and one day Kris and I met. I always had a crush in him, and eventually we got married and now I have a dorm and I live in Korea. Maybe a mistake, maybe a miracle. Destiny has yet to decide for me.

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