Heartfelt secrets

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"Luhan's pov*

I was in my room, losing my mind at 3am.

"Why do I miss her?"

"Why didn't she call back?"

I stayed in the dark, motionless. But my mind was all over the place.

I have loved Rachel ever since I have met her, and she has loved me.

But my love for her is different. Her smile, her big brown eyes that make her so innocent. Her long hair, her perfect body that is even better when I caress it. Why couldn't I get her?

It's 3 in the morning, and I'm trying to make this leave my mind. But i'm in the abstract vortex of Rachel.

She's so honest, and caring, and shy.

She opens up to me, telling me everything. But I make her my everything. She is my everything.

Everything about her is indeed perfect, I don't deserve her. I never will.

Why can't I stop shuffling around in my blankets? Why can't I rest? I need Rachel. I need her body on mine, I need her warmpth. I need her strength. She's so strong, but her outside is a beautiful innocent girl who doesn't deserve to fight with Kris. I'm glad they are fine so far, but why do I wish I was Rachel's husband?

When Rachel rests, my thoughts flood all over.

"Snap out of it Luhan!"

She doesn't love you like that. It's too painful for me to see her anymore. I've kept it in so long and I can't ever tell her. So what's the point anymore? I can't see her anymore.

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