Making Plans.

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*Kris pov* 

It was now 6pm, and I'm home alone. Weird for me to have nothing to do. I got up, and turned off the tv. As I began to walk to the bedroom, I wondered where Rachel was. So I called her.



"Hey Kris. What's up?"

"Oh, um nothing. Where are you?"

"I'm at the dorm. Why?"

I hate when she's there.

"Why are you there? You know that I don't like you to be there. They all like you."

"Luhan was having a really bad day. I was here to comfort him. It's no big deal."

"Okay. Want to do something? I miss my wife."

"Sure. But I feel bad abandoning Luhan. Can he come with us?" 

I hesitated for a second. 

"Well, alright. If he's going, I'm bringing Tao too."

"Okay, but he's asleep."

"I'll come over and pick you all up."


I put the phone down and kept thinking. Why would she be with Luhan this whole time? I'm sure it's not a big deal. Then again, she stayed with him when we were fighting. Is she mad at me? Leave it to me to get all sad about this little thing. But why didn't she tell me before when she was at the dorm with him? 

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