.:{Chapter 41}:.

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Aria's POV

     We continued to walk down the road hand in hand smiling and chatting to each other.

     "Oh shoot I don't have my phone..." Kaiden replied.

     "You brought it with you right?" I asked slightly panicked.

     "Oh shit I think I might have left it at burger king shit... do you think you can run to burger king and check ill run to the shops to check," Kaiden replied frantically.

     "Of course! I'll be right back!" I smiled a reassuring smile towards him as I dashed off at inhuman speed down the street. 

     For about five minutes I got lost unsure of where the burger king was. It was finally in sight and I ran towards it slowing down my speed now aware that there were humans around.

     I found myself in front of the door as I ran inside towards the counter being greeted with the same girl from before rolling my eyes.

     "Welcome to burger ki... oh it's you... what do you want?"  She replied rudely.

     "I was wondering if anyone has a lost phone?"  I replied breathing heavily.

     "No there are no phones." She replied once more.

     "Can you check or ask some of your employees,"  I replied softly.

     "What did you say I can't here you bitch?"  She was twirling her hair around her finger as she chewed her gum annoyingly.

     "Please, can you just check or ask one of your employees,"  I asked again louder than before.

     For about 15 minutes I bickered with the annoying and extremely bitchy girl finally I just gave up and walked outside.

     "Ugh, this seriously sucks..." I whined out.

     "Maybe he found it at one of the shops."  My wolf Clara replies.

     "Maybe you should just go away,"  I replied rudely to my wolf in the mind link.

     "I'm sorry ari.. I didn't mean to say that I was just sad and upset and angry."  my wolf whimpered.

     "And you don't think I was not sad or angry, how could you! Wait never mind I have things to do. And don't call me ari.." I cut off the mind link ignoring my wolf completely as i started to walk down the street.

     I walked and walked for awhile maybe about five minutes. In the distance, i thought I saw Kaiden but it was too blurry to tell.

     I walked closer towards the blurred figure as his sexy godlike features came to view. He was holding up his phone and a new golden bag up in the air smirking like an idiot.

     I ran up towards him with a shocked expression knowing exactly what he had done. I was filled with rage at the thought of him tricking me but then love.

     I ran up to Kaiden as I jumped in his arms smashing my lips to his. The bags and even his phone fell to the concrete floor.

     I wrapped my arms around his neck as I continued to kiss him. His arms wrapped around my waist and under my ass as he picked me up smiling into the kiss.

     After about a minute I dropped down picking up his phone handing it to him making sure it was not broken. To his luck probably not mine since mine has always been terrible it was fine.

     "wow....that..was.." Kaiden stopped in mid sentence as we both turned to the right meeting the deadly gaze of the heartbreaker himself Declan Harpswell.

     My jaw almost dropped to the ground as I saw Declan's arms wrapped around Heather herself in front of a hotel. I looked over at him in disgust my heart slightly breaking. But then it hit me and hit me hard he rejected me. He didn't want me it was done.

     I turned back to Kaiden as Kaiden looked at me in pity understanding the problem. He leaned down as he put his lips to mine. Our lips were moving together against each other almost dancing in sync. 

     I open my eyes as I peeked over at Declan rage was clearly on his face. That made me giggle out in my mind happy to see my mate so flustered. 

     I closed my eyes again as I went back to holding onto Kaiden and pecking his lips.

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