-{Chapter 2}-

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    The bullet whooshed its way through the air slicing it in half at an unbelievable speed leaving the hostages in a state of shock

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    The bullet whooshed its way through the air slicing it in half at an unbelievable speed leaving the hostages in a state of shock.

    My gaze fixated on The bullet as it zoomed past me resembling a shooting star in the midnight sky, like the ones back home.

    The bullet collided with an elderly looking man's chest within seconds followed by a swooshing sound.

    Without a doubt, I was considering on shooting the little boy but the tiny bit of doubt began to eat away at my self consciousness, kind of like my ego.

    And on top of that, the old creepy man's hand was inching closer towards the security help button, oh hell no he was not going to ruin this mission for me.

    I smirked once more watching as his limp body fell to the floor with a thud followed by gasps and screams of the people around me scattered over the floor divided into small groups.

    I turned my head to the side to meet the gaze of the same banker from before observing his every move looking him up and down like a hawk stalking its prey.

    He looked back at me with sweat dripping down his forehead and fear in his eyes. He held up the black duffle bag clutching onto the handle and placing it down on the ground.

    His legs were buckling under him as his arm began to vibrate and shake uncontrollably, he looked like he was about to piss himself, that's disgusting.

    If I was not ordered from Leo himself to have to do this mission I might have found myself taking pity on the old man's terrified state, keyword might but I don't.

    I may seem like a cold hearted killer but like everyone, they have their reasons. It is not like I was born into a family of criminals and assassins or anything.

    The thought of possibly being born in a normal family flashed through my mind like the many times it has before and like all the other times it was thrown aside.

    I scoffed out loud walking towards the man with a slight sway of my hips grabbing the duffle bag from his grasp.

    I opened the bag up and looked inside of it luckily it was full to the brim with stacks of hundreds of dollars of bills, at least the staff did something right.

    I smiled happily quite pleased that this mission has gone smoothly so far, only a few people got killed, no biggie.

    I held onto the zipper zipping the bag up securely. After I was doing I simply picked it up and threw it over my shoulder with one hand holding onto it firmly.

    I walked towards the marvelous glass window opening it up carefully. I sat down on the window sill crossing one leg over the other gazing over at all of the people.

    The bankers were trembling in fear and the other hostages looked absolutely mortified, oh well sucks for them.

    I gave an evil grin as I lifted up my right hand waving goodbye almost seductively gripping onto the sports bag with my other hand.

    I bent my back backward pushing my legs away from the window sill falling out of the two flight building almost gracefully.

    I held my arms out to the side falling downwards rotating forwards. The ground neared closer and closer as I made contact with the newly cut grass landing on my knee.

    "I have made it outside of the premise sir," I replied in the clear color earpiece in a monotone tone while beginning to run forward.

    "Has the target been eliminated?" A scruffy and manly voice replied.

    "Yes, the target has been eliminated," I replied sternly trying to keep a straight face while talking formally.

    "Do you have the bag?" The voice questioned.


    The urge to blurt something random out into the earpiece grew larger and larger by the second as we continued to talk.

    And by talk, I mean him asking me questions and me simply replying in yes none stop.

    I wanted to reply and to repeat lines such as, go agent go, move out, and out and over so badly in the earpiece but continued to hold the urge in with a somewhat stern face.

    "Excellent job agent Luna, the van is in the back." The voice replied.

    "I'm on my way." I nodded my head to no one in particular and then tapped the earpiece two times turning it off for now as I began to run towards the location of the van.

    I definitely was not dressed for a fancy day out in the town or a casual exploration.

    If anything I looked like I had just walked out of some kind of gym class.

    I continued to jog casually down the city streets acting as if I was a simple jogger on a run early in the morning.

    One of the most important things as an agent is to stay low and under the radar at all times. Cheesy and clique I know but it is true.

    I continued to jog at a decent pace focusing on the movement of my feet as well as the rate of my heart beating as I clung onto the duffle bag.

    A yelp escaped my lips as strong and muscular arms wrapped around my waist pulling my body into a dark alleyway.

    Cold and icy hands covered my mouth as I looked up at the culprit in fear my eyes widening in shock and realization.

    Cold and icy hands covered my mouth as I looked up at the culprit in fear my eyes widening in shock and realization

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