.:{Chapter 98}:.

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Aria's POV

     Maggie knew about a little of my situation but luckily not all of it. 

     She was aware that both of my parents died and are no longer with me and that I took care of myself a large majority of the time. 

     I also lied and told her that I have been staying at my aunt's place ever since and that she is always gone so I basically am alone most of the time.

     I hated to lie to her but I didn't want to tell anyone where I lived. Or the fact that I am completely broke and alone.

     "Nope!" I said trying to return the smile and excitement.

     I looked over at her as her face lit up with excitement and joy. She began to start jumping up and down and grab my hands forcing me to jump up and down with her awkwardly.

     "Do you need any clothes or to get anything? I can walk with you to your aunt's place."

     "No I'm good I have nothing that clean anyway let's just go to your place..." I replied softly.

     I quickly dodged maggies sly move to try to get to my house. I'm not sure how I've hidden that I don't actually live in a house for this long without ever showing her.

     "Awesome let's go!" She cheered out grabbing my hand and intertwining and lacing our fingers together.

     "Are we walking its kind of far..." I questioned.

     "Yes, we are walking." She said sarcastically.

     My eyes widened in shock and then realization at her sarcasm. Sadly I to and extremely sarcastic but extremely gullible that has never been a very helpful trait.

     "I'm kidding oh god you should look at your face!" She laughed out.

     "Oi don't be mean I can't help it that I am gullible." I wined out.

     "You are so gullible it's adorable!" She cooed.

     "Gullible people tend to be the nicest and have good hearts," I replied smugly.

     "Blah blah blabby bla bla blah." She replied.

    I rolled my eyes casual as I held onto her hand following her down the sidewalk heading towards the small bike rack to the left.

     She picked up her cute white city like bike and hoped on over it placing the bread in the bicycle's basket.

     "Hop on on the sides of the back bike the ones that connect the wheels together.Place your feet onto both of them and then hold on to my shoulders." She said.

     "Are yous sure it looks kind of dangerous..." 

     "Yes, I'm sure my brother and I do it all the time come on hurry up!" She whined out.

     I looked at her with fear in my eyes as I slowly placed my hands on her shoulders holding on tightly and then placing one foot on the side carefully and then the other.

     "Hurry up you will be fine I promise!" She whined out.

     "If I die I'm going to um.., imaginary sue you with my fake lawyers?" I replied giggling.

     "Well, you won't so hop on!" She whined out once more.

     I slowly placed the other foot on the other side as I held onto her shoulders tightly standing on the bike very awkwardly.

     "Ok.. I think...im..ready.." I said

     Maggie lifted her right foot as she began peddling in the street with me on the back happily going at a fast pace.

     "I SAID I THINK IM READY HOLY CORNFLAKES!" I cried out as she began to peddle and we began to move.

     Maggie laughed out as she swerved side to side to scare me, which she accomplished that task very well.

     I held onto her shoulders tighter as we biked through the town passing by cars and people laughing like crazy people.

     After a few minutes, I smiled out happily loving the feeling of my hair blowing in the breeze behind me.

     After about 10mminutes we were out of the small town and riding into the town's neighborhood with fancy houses and cars.

     I turned my head backward meeting the gaze of Kaiden as mny eyes widened. 

     I tried to wave towards him but failed and fell onto maggies back gripping onto her shoulders.

     "Hey be careful, we could die!!" She cried out dramatically.

     "..Sorry, sorry!" I replied.

     Kaiden's eyes widened as he noticed me smiling and waving back towards me. As we continued to ride towards her house I could not stop looking back at him.

     Another figure ran towards Kaiden and tackled him to the ground it was Ezra. I looked at where they were noticing that that was Ezra's house the house I visited before.

     I smiled at the memory as I clung to maggie turning my head back forward gazing at all of the other houses.

    After another 15 minutes later we arrived in front of her lovely and beautiful family home.

     It was absolutely breathtaking it was like a traditional family house. Painted white with brown wooden roofs a garage and a bunch of fancy windows.

     "Your destination is 1.4 feet away on your right turn right," I replied in a monotone-like voice mimicking those GPS devices.

     Maggie stopped the bike next to the garage as she burst out laughing and jumping off. She offered her my hand as I took it slowly hoping down next to her.

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