.:{Chapter 115}:.

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Aria's POV 

    Another intense wave of sparks and love rushed through my vanes as Declan's lips softly touched mine pecking them softly.

  Just by simply allowing our lips to touch an explosion of sparks occurred. I wonder what it would be like if it was more intense?

   I love Kaiden I still do.. it feels so right to be with him he makes me laugh all the time. But unlike Declan, I don't feel the same kind of sparks with Kaiden. 

   It was as if Declan read my mind he placed both of his hands on my cheek and depend the kiss allowing more sparks to explode all around us.

    All that was felt was the overwhelming feelig of love towards him grow more and more. Yes, he hurt me but I hurt him too.

   Realization hit me hard forcing me to realize that I love him. I have always loved him just didn't want to admit it or believe it.

    I Aria Hollingsworth am in love Declan Harpswell, my mate... It took a few seconds to let the information settle in but once it did I got I  a snarky comment of I told you so from my wolf Clara.

   Declas eyes slowly fluttered opened meeting my gaze as he picked my lips four more times before pulling away gazing over towards me lovingly his eyes shining with admiration and love.

   "That was..."

    I cut of Declan words before he could say anything else by wrapping my arms around his neck smashing my lips onto his.

    Sparks began to fly around once more only casing my craving of attention y him and only him to grow. Just being apart from him hurts the thought of it hurts.

    Our lips moved together in sync as we held each other. Our wolfs were together as well as our heart and mind as our lips and body moved in sync.

    Each pack ad kisses as well as the love you slowly began to fix the broken bond. Our mate bond increased greatly getting stronger each touch we made.

   I was still covered in the dirt shirt but that wasn't a problem for Declan. Like most mates right then and there after a few hours of apologies and talking we created a bond of our own a special one.

   A softly tingling sensation danced against my skin showing my mates mark as it was placed elegantly on my neck.

    Whenever he touches me or I him I get these weird shocks of love energy. Nut with his mark it's like I always have him, true we are connected in more ways than one.

   Am I sad that I am possibly hurting Kaiden and Liam of course? But I love Declan I always have he was made for him like I was made for him. We are soulmates we are connected to each other.

   After all, I guess it is true when the elders claim that Rejection never works.. fate always brings them back together one way or another.

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