-{Chapter 15}-

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   I placed my hand on the door handle and opened it with ease

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   I placed my hand on the door handle and opened it with ease...


I opened the door to be met with an elegant, bright and beautiful hallway once more.

For some odd reason this time there were lots of girls maybe hundreds filling the halls compared to when earlier there were only a few scattered about.

I stayed low maneuvering my way through the crowd of crazy girls following the crowd to the end of the hallway.

High pitched screams filled my ears of girls screaming oh my god Prince Julian I'm your biggest fan or oh my god he's like totally hot and other annoying comments.

I continued to push my way to the front getting shoved to the side, elbowed, and even stepped on by 3-inch painful stiletto heels by some royal blonde bimbo.

Finally, I saw light an opening I quickened my pace trying to get out of the way with a shimmer of hope.

My eyes widened as I fell forward being pushed to the ground a loud thud and manly laughter escaping the ground and echoing throughout the halls.

Wait the ground does not laugh oh my god the ground laughs it's a science miracle call NASA call Mensa call, everyone!

I opened my eyes to came across a beautiful set of brown eyes and a prince like face.

All of the sounds of the girls high pitched screams of glee got replaced with cries and screams of oh my god she's attacking the prince get her echoed the halls.

I gazed down at the beautiful god like creature as I laid on top of him. It felt like everything was frozen in time as if it was just me and him.

I am not falling it love that's stupid he's just really good looking. All I did was fell on him, fell in love literally, I mentally giggled at my own stupid pun as I sat up.

"Lucas I told you girls liked to hit on me." The man said wiggling his eyebrows to the large group of boys.

I raised my eyebrow as I followed the man's gaze meeting the gaze of another set of beautiful eyes this time ocean blue that is Julian that is my target!

I then turned my gaze to meet another set of brown eyes and then a set of silvery blue and a ton of god like humans.

Am I in heaven there is no way that this many good looking creatures can exist its impossible!

Snap out of it Kiara get back on the program for fuck sakes!

Okay, anyway, so these are the kinds of people he hangs out with this will be as easy as pie who knew being pushed on a boy could actually be lucky.

I erased the cold glare and pissed off expression replacing it with a flirtatious and forced smile sitting upwards.

"Oh my god I am so sorry please forgive mee...!" I replied in my give me what I want because I am acting really fucking cute and nice voice.

"No no its alright you can fall on me any day princess." The man replied sitting up and pulling me along with him twirling me around.

My eyes widened as I twirled into his arms and then out as if we were in a dance.

I didn't know what to say I just let go and stood upwards looking up at the god-like creature in awe and then at the other god-like creatures behind him, this will be the death of me.

"What is your name princess or can I just call you beautiful because you are." The boy asked grabbing my hand and pressing his lips against it leaving a lingering touch.

I looked at him and then at the others observing them as they looked up and down my outfit as if they were undressing me in their imaginations.

I scoffed out loud at all of their terrible attitudes as well as his flirtatious line. I wouldn't be too surprised if he had used this on thousands of other princesses before.

I erased the flirtatious look ad replaced it with the cold glare once more fuck it these perverted bastards!

I pushed his chest violently a groan escaping his lips at the shocked strength I had.

I stood up quickly and spun on my heel turning around and then looking at them all glaring.

"Oooo you just got dissed Prince Ryder got dissed," a few of the guys said laughing out loud and saying oooo and aaa.

"SHUT UP!" he screamed forcing the others to instantly quiet down.

So Ryder is his name Ryder is a cute name I guess, I looked at him and then at the others watching as they continued to eye rape me.

I turned around once more and looked at Ryder straight in the eye and then at each of the boys glaring at them all.

"Take a picture it lasts longer," I said rudely turning around and walking off.

"Take a picture it lasts longer," I said rudely turning around and walking off

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