.:{Chapter 79}:.

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Declan's POV

     The air turned black all around me. As my breath began to tighten in my through I could feel the air vanishing from my lungs.

     I sat up as a small shrill cry escaped my lips followed by a groan. 

     I groaned out in pain at the sudden movement as I looked around at my surroundings.

     I was in one of the old school classrooms in our school how strange. The wallpapers were falling apart and desks and chairs were thrown to the ground. 

     I crawled my way towards the wall as I held onto it standing up carefully.

     Another painful groan escaped my lips as I fell forward falling onto my knees with a loud thud.

     I looked down at my chest noticing that I had bandages on and there was no blood on me but my clothes and a first aid kit on the side.

     I sat down on my knees for awhile rubbing my head trying to come back to my senses and remember what had happened.

     I tried calling out to my wolf in my mind link but I could not muster up the energy to contact Nathaniel.

     I placed my hand on my wound as I slowly started to try and get up once more.

     I held onto the wall for support as I grabbed my phone from my pocket looking at the time. It was still school it was only fourth block it was 12:34 pm.

     I groaned out at pain at the thought of having to go to class. Especially the fact that I might see my mate.

     My heart clenched at the thought that our mate just up and left us in that dark and dirty room all alone.

     "Mate would never do that.." My wolf whimpered painfully.

     "Well, our mate did." I spit out towards my wolf in our link.

     "There must be a reason mate left.. mate would never leave us!" My wolf cried out once more whimpering annoyingly.

     "I'm sick and tired of hearing you whimper! Our mate does not want us why don't you understand that?" I snapped I could feel my anger boiling.

     "Your sick ad tired?" My wolf deadly and menacingly.

     "YOUR SICK AND TIRED?" my wolf said once more yelling into our mind link.

     "Are you the one who is dying slowly because their fucking human rejected their other half, NO!" He yelled out louder than the first making me fall to the floor and cringe.

     I could not really blame him it really was my fault. A single tear slid down my cheek as I wiped it away trying to stay strong.

     "Why can't you heal me?" I asked my wolf ignoring his outburst.

     There was no reply, I asked once more just to be ignored again. I shrugged it off and slowly got back up to my feet.

     I walked outside of the classroom limping slightly holding onto the wall and door for support.


     I wandered aimlessly through the school halls seeking for any form of distraction to avoid the pain. Or help from anyone that could make the unbearable pain stop.

     In the distance, I saw a figure that looked to be Elliot running up to me.

     I smiled in relief as I heard my beta shouting and barking out orders to other students and teachers screaming for help. 

     Before I knew it I fell to the floor being caught in the strong arms of my beta as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

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