.:{Chapter 110}:.

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Aria's POV

     Maggie shoved me into a small changing room stall leaning against the door so I could not escape throwing the undergarments over the top.

     I groaned out in annoyance kneeling to the floor and picking it up and hanging it up.

     I began to strip and then slowly put on the undergarments blushing brightly at my reflection.


     "Aria are you done?" 


     "Show me it then Aria!"

     "But but I don't want other people looking...!" I cried out.

     "Oh get over it!" she shouted.

     Maggie pulled the door open and hoped inside slamming it shut behind her.

     She then looked over at me her face lighting up in excitement as she told me to turn around and I obeyed.

     "You look hot!"

    "Sh... don't scream..."

     "Like I said get over it!"

     I looked down at her hands as she shoved a bunch of other decent looking undergarments for me and for herself.

     "Oh please no..."

=-(A Long Hour Later)-=

     Maggie and I walked over to the food court laughing out loud at science jokes and puns gripping onto the large and I mean a large amount of clothes.

     "I'm starving!" Maggie cried out moving her arms side to side impatiently

     "I could go for some food."

     "Hell yeah! the food court is right there." Maggie said pointing over to a large opening.

     "Then let's go!"

     We both wobbled our way towards a semi large table dropping our bags on the floor.

     "One of us should get the food and the other watch the bags of clothes," I replied.

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