Dear Jasmine

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Dear Jasmine,

It's  hard for me to leave you like this, im sorry i cant do this in person because it would be too hard but we cant be together. Im sorry i have to leave u like this i really wish i could do it. be there for you because you deserve better. I wish Louis would have never pushed you in the pool that day im sorry Jaz i really do love you tell the boys their dad loves them and hes sorry he  cant be there for them can you please name them styles though i already signed the papers for a divorce and their birth certificate.. i guess knowing people does have its perks . I left you the house and everything with some cash to keep you settled so you dont have to work . Im sorry i cant be that man for you .. it pains me .. all this time ive been trying to convince you and myself that i could be what you needed but im failing at this .. and seing your face again .. i knew i wouldnt be  able to say it . Id beg you to stay . I'd convince myself to stay .. im sorry . Take care
- Harry Styles 

My heart sunk , i was gonna give him a piece of my mind but he's not coming back ... his number goes straight to voice mail .. how could he do this .. this stupid stupid man . I opened the closet and saw his clothes GONE only mine. He's gone for good .  I tried calling the girls and no one picked up . Not even the boys .. i was all alone .. abandoned without an explanation just a " i cant do it" i fucking sorry note saying " he cant be a man" . He  was locking me out of his life for good . To make sure he would never see me again he asked the others to do so too .. and they obliged.. well ik gonna raise these babies by myself i dont need any of them . But i did admit that the house was big i needed help .. so sinds my friend alyssa was coming over .. i decided to tell her .. the only person who didnt block me or well didnt know the boys like i did ... she would know the truth ..  she knew the whole story by the end of the day . She had her flight booked to come in a month but she would be on the look out for one sooner because she had to come see me and be my rock. She felt bad for me  abandoned and alone ! . I wanna  redecorate my house and remove harry from it all ! I started to box up all our pictures  and named the box  HALF A HEART so i knew it was the guy that killed me .

After a whole 3 weeks ,
I was just about done redecorating and due any day now but there was one picture that was high on the walll and it was the biggest ...  i took the ladder which was heavy and just needed  to climb a few trays  because i was also tall when i reached the top i felt a cramp , me being the bad bitch i ignored it and lifted the painting of harry and i ..  it was  so heavy i dropped it and the cramp came back it was worst i couldnt balance and i fell off and blacked out .

Allysa  Point of view

Today was going to live with jaz ,  ive missed her soo much i havent seen her back home in so long ever sinds she dated harry . I hate harry .. he took her away from he promised her the world only to screw with it .  He such a dick i walked up to her house.. i was gonna surprise her ! I could come be with my bestie a few days earlier .. its not. A lot but its better than later ! . Something was off , the door was unlocked weird. As i walked  i  smelled old molded food .. i walked toward the kitchen it must have been there for a week or so. I called out jaz 's  name no answer . As i walked to the living room  i thought to myself " am i in the wrong house ??" But then i  saw her on the ground knocked out . She's been like this for a week .. I remember the clothes she was wearing and these were the same clothes. I remember her telling me about some heavy painting picture harry had made for them and how she was gonna remove it.  My eyes quickly shifter to the ground where i saw it next to her i started to panic and i called the police and ambulance. They  arrived within minutes i guess an unconscious pregnant lady really rattles them up . I told them what i had seen and what i knew from the situation and they rushed her to the hospital . Soon the media showed up . Because no on knew if she would be dead or alive . Her pulse was faint and so was her breathing. I tried to be as vague as i could .. knowing jasmine would hate this attention .. but before i knew it London time was already spreading the word.

End point of view

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