Chapter 19

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So today was the day. The day that Harry would pack and leave tomorrow and would be gone for a long time.

I couldn't sleep last night because I knew I was in love with him and I never told him. I walked downstairs scared to see Harry's face and to see him walk out of the door.

As I got to the kitchen I decided not to eat I was to upset.

" Jessie? "

I looked and saw Harry on the couch with blood shot eyes and tear stains on his face.

" Yeah? "

" Come here "

As I walked in front of him I saw a tear rool down his cheek. I couldn't help it and a tear rolled down my cheek.

" Pleas tell me the you have feeling for me or something. I want you Jessie I love you and I couldn't live without you. "

I started to cry. I couldn't hold it in.

" Harry I'm sorry I don't know yet. I'm seriously going to miss you though. plead just don't leave I need someone to protect me. " By this time I was balling my eyes out and I just cried.

He looked at me and the got up off the couch and walked to upstairs. why did I do that I do love him no matter what I will always love him.

I then walked upstairs to Harry's room and knocked on the door.

" Harry can I come in? "

" Yeah love come on "

He sounded fine but I was nervous to see his face. I walked in and noticed he was packing. I went on the floor next to him and helped him.

For about 3 hours we sat there in silence just packing. I didn't want to see him go. He did give me his sweatshirt and beanie so I could remember him. I smelled the beanie it just smelled like Harry. I smiled after because I remember that he wore the beanie the day he saved me.

I went downstairs to go get some food because I was starving.

I made myself a Nutella sandwhich and made Harry one to. I walked back upstairs to give Harry his sandwich.

When I got up there Harry was asleep, it was already 3:00 and we were both tired. so I ate the sandwich since I didn't eat breakfast. I went downstairs and went into the living room to watch Mean Girls.

By the time the movie ended it was 5:30 so I decided to make some dinner since it was our last dinner with each other.

All day it has been depressing, and sad. Harry still hasn't woken up and I've been bored. We did spend a lot of time with each other yesterday and the day before that.

Suddenly I got a text.

From: Hazza my hero❤️

Stop cooking and go change into a nice dress and look nice. Then go outside and wait.

I was a little nervous because I thought he was sleeping this whole time. Oh well time to get get dressed. I went upstairs and jumped in the shower.

After I got out I went into my closet and pulled out a white lace dress with a brown belt a cross it. I put on my white converse cause I'm scared my other nice shoes my get dirty or messed up.

When I finished getting dressed and blow drying my hair I decided to curl it. When I finished curling it I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I grabbed my sweater and went outside.

When I looked outside I was completely shocked. It was dark out. On the ground were candles leading a path to the back yard. As I followed the path there were roses so I picked them up. By the time I got to the back yard there was a table set for two and there was a pianist and a lady standing. She looked like Lea Mitchell. I walked over to the table and noticed a curly haired boy with beautiful emerald eyes in a black suit.

I smiled as I saw Harry and I walked over to him.

" Why'd you do this? "

" Because I want to show you how much I love you Jessie. This maybe our last time with each other and I don't want to forget it. "

He leaned down and kissed me. I felt something I never felt before as I kissed Harry. It felt like fireworks but it was more than that. It was magical.

I pulled away and decided to sit down. Harry pulled the chair about for me and I sat down. Harry then sat across from me and it was amazing. He cooked an amazing meal. Spaghetti!!!

( A/N I know I should have made him prepare something better I couldn't think of anything!)

The spaghetti was amazing and apparently the sig really was Lea Mitchell so she sang us a couple songs. Some of them Harry wrote. He also sang a song it was called Little Things. I told him the song was amazing and he needs to join the X-Factor when he goes to London.

When we finished we went back inside and just cuddled on the couch while watching Tangled. I decided to take a selfie with Harry and he kissed me on my cheek and I set it as my lock screen. we then continued watching another movie called Toy Story 3.

Then we fell asleep in each others arms.

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