Nothing Without Love

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I am nothing without love, I'm but a ship stick in the sand

When James arrived home, his thoughts were still flooded by Thomas. He didn't wanna go to school tomorrow, but he had too. His grades were important to him.

Some would say that I’m all alone, but I am, I'm nothing without love,

He locked his door and sat on his couch. He put on a random Disney movie and tried to relax. Like always, he couldnt. He begin to pay attention to the movie, realizing he had put on Frozen. He started humming along. Humming turned to singing.

I wanna hold her in my arms, but she feeling lost, she feeling sad,

"Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore! Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door!" Speaking of doors, there was someone knocking on his. Embarrassed, he turned his TV volume down and went back to humming.

I would take credit for what's wrong, but I am, I'm nothing without love,

He opened the door to reveal, Thomas. He instantly felt his face heat up. "Thomas what  are you d-doing here?" He cursed his stutter. "We don't hang out much Jemmy. I wanted to change that."

Three years at sea after the storm, and this sinking ship that love had put me on,

"Oh ok.. well you can come watch this movie with me, if you'd like.." James replied, still as red as a fire truck. "Yeah, I'd like that." They sat on the couch next to each other. Only inches apart. James fought the urge to turn around and hug Thomas. He knew he couldn't, just by Thomas being in his house, on his couch, he knew Alex would not go easy on him.

I wish a gust of wind would come and carry me home, but I, I got nowhere to go

Thomas put his arm around James. James could only think of the bad things that would happen to him tomorrow, he didn't realize he had been leaning into Thomas's side. He felt himself drift into a nice peaceful sleep.

Now here you show up with the force of a wave, and so I'm setting my sail, I’m headed for the empire state,

He didn't feel Thomas lift him up and carry him to his room. Thomas laid him down and set the blankets over him. "Goodnight Jemmy." Thomas left the room and sat back down on the couch.

Hey hey Lord, I don’t want to lose this one, she make me feel whole,

Thomas hoped that James wouldn't mind him staying over. He and Alex were still fighting. He didn't wanna risk Alex following him home, so he went here instead. Of course, he only now realized Alex could've followed him here. Panicking he practically threw himself at the door to make sure it was locked.

You know I am, I am nothing without love

Satisfied, seeing that it was, in fact, locked, he sat back down on James's couch. He focus was on a new movie. Titanic, to be clear. He didn't hate this movie, but he didn't necessarily like it either. As he was watching he heard a knock on the door.

I am nothing without love.

A/N boom goes the Canon, another chapter for y'all. Also if you know this song or listen to it up there, you'll notice at the end I kinda skipped lines, I did that because I wanted a cliffhanger but I usually end my chapters with, ya know a good part In the song, if you know what I mean. I might do that sometimes, I hope you don't mind :)

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