Self-fulfilling Prophecy

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Trigger warning for those sensitive to self harm, suicide, etc. Proceed with caution. You have been warned.

Self-hatred grows in me like cancer, I can't locate it's whereabouts, but it's feasting on its host,

"Starbucks. After school, sound good?" Peggy repeated. He just nodded, then put on a fake smile. The bell rang, signaling lunch was over and it was now time for fifth period.

I expected him to have the answer, I thought I taught him how to love me now, he fears me like a ghost,

On his way to fifth period, he passed by Alex and John whispering quietly to each other. He didn't bother to listen, he just continued on his merry way.

Self-fulfilling prophecy, you're the only guaranteed loyalty; In this town,

When his last classes were over, he gathered his things from his locker and begin to walk out, when he was pulled back into the empty music room.

Full of violent mothers, cheating fathers, leaving lovers,

"James. We are worried about you." Oh. It's just his friends. Assuming Aaron was the one who pulled him in here, since he was the one talking, he looked directly at him, when he spoke, "Why, I'm fine."

I swear to you, I'll never love again.

His group exchanged doubtful glances and Theo spoke next, "You didn't have lunch again James. What's going on." He frowned, "Nothing. I'm completely fine." He looked at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact, when Angelica lifted his head up, "James, I've known you for not even a day, and I can tell, something is wrong. Not to mention the faded scars on your wrists."

This hunger grows inside me like a tumor,
The dizziness just compliments, this failure of a girl,

He gasped, well it's out now. "Fine, I'm not okay. And it's all their fault." He was crying now. Peggy looked like she was about to kill someone and Eliza looked like she would burn down a building. "Who?" James looked at Angelica, "Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson."

I’m settled now, this show of mine consumes me,

"Alexander," all three of the sisters said his name at once, you could feel the fury from them. "He's a jerk." Eliza stated. They all agreed. "Alright! Enough of this! Let's go to Starrrrrbuuuuucks!" Peggy yelled as she ran out of the music room. They all laughed and followed, James and Eliza at the back.

But every pound I shed, speaks volumes of my lack of self control.

James and Eliza talked about random things in his car on the way to Starbucks. He had offered to drive her because everyone else was going with the other two. Eliza was one of the most trusting and kind James had ever met.

Self-fulfilling prophecy, you’re the only one that dare speak the truth about me; in this town,

When they all arrived at Starbucks they headed inside. Of course the first thing they noticed was Thomas and Alex, in a booth talking. "We can leave if you'd like, James." Aaron whispered to him. "No, I want my Chai Tea, Aaron." He laughed.

Of well intentioned mothers,

After ordering and getting their drinks they sat down at a table. They talked about the most random of things, ranging from rainbows to relationships. Turns out Aaron and Theo were the only ones in a relationship.

Starving daughters,

Getting up to put spare bandages on his arms, since his scars you noticeable apparently,he made his way towards the bathroom, he was unaware of Alex following him. Before he could get his spare bandages out, he was roughly shoved to the ground.

Worried lovers,

He looked up to see that Alex had pushed him. "You're useless James. Pathetic. Annoying." He kicked James and lowered himself to his level, "Do us a favor, and die. No one cares about you Jemmy." James knew the only reason that Alex called him 'Jemmy' was because Thomas used too.

I swear to you, I'll never eat again.

After Alex left James stood up and did what he came in here to do, change his bandages. Luckily Alex didn't give him any visible injuries, except a bruise on his stomach. Leaving the bathroom he sat back down with his group and put on a fake smile.

Self-fulfilling prophecy, you never fail to comfort me; in this town

After they had finished their drinks. He took Eliza home, of course she wouldn't leave him alone about why he took so long in the bathroom if he was just putting on bandages. He felt the need to tell her the truth. "Alex was being rude, that's all."

Filled with, violent mothers,

"Oh alright," was her response. She got out of his car after saying their goodbyes and walked towards her house doors. After she was inside safely, James left.

Cheating fathers,

Once James arrived home he locked the doors and sprinted towards the bathroom. He unwrapped his bandages and took out a bottle of pills. He took most of them and swallowed them.

Leaving lovers,

He then opened the cabinet again and took out a razor. He stared at it. He could see his vision begin to fade.

Angry brothers, starving daughters, starving daughters, worried lovers.

Before he could further induce the damage his vision faded he fell on the floor. That last thing he saw was Aaron rush in.

I swear to you, I'll never trust again.

A/N welp  here you go, another chapter. :) luckily A-A-ron is a nice cinnamon roll and called an ambulance. Or did he.? Anyway what like three updates in one day. It's the weekend but I seriously have no life. Well hopefully Jemmy is alright.

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